12, Jan, 2025
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Logitech Cordless TrackMan Wheel

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If you’re looking for weird and wacky pointing devices, Logitech might be able to oblige.with its cordless variant of its TrackMan Wheel mouse.
A thumb-scrolling trackball, the Cordless TrackMan Wheel uses radio technology so you don’t have to point the device at an infra-red receiver. As long as the Wheel is within about 2m of the reception box (which plugs directly into the PS/2 or USB port), it works.
Like all trackballs, it requires some getting used to. Fine control with the thumb takes time to master — first you have to get over the desire to slide the TrackMan around your desk.
On the default settings, you can almost go the width of the screen without lifting your thumb off the trackball. Most of the time it can be moved smoothly, but certain actions are jerky, as you need to lift your thumb and re-centre it. The instances where this matters are few, but it might make a difference in some games and illustration programs.
One major disadvantage of the device is its handed-ness (like most pointing devices these days). The device APC looked at was for right-handed people only (unless you fancy trying to move the trackball with a pinkie). Logitech sells left-handed versions, but these may be harder to find in shops.
To your PC, the TrackMan appears as a PS/2 mouse, so technically no drivers are needed to install the device. However, Logitech’s Mouse Ware provides some useful —
and not so useful — extras. For instance, it provides button configuration, so you can swap the buttons around if you desire. There’s also a battery-life meter and tools for configuring sensitivity.
The latest version of the software also includes a tool called WebWheel, which is designed to control browser operations with a click of the third button/scroll wheel. A pie-selection tool appears and you can choose options such as back, forward and reload. WebWheel’s utility is dubious: it doesn’t seem to be any quicker than normal browser operation.
The TrackMan Wheel is a nifty device, but if cordlessness doesn’t matter to you, we’d recommend the Logitech TrackMan Marble FX as a superior trackball.

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