16, Jan, 2025
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JASC Paint Shop Pro 9

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Paint Shop Pro 9 adds a new aspect to image editing with paint and vector-based graphics tools.

The new Mixer Palette is an intuitive way to find that perfect colour. Working with paints is fairly fluid, though there’s some lag when making a succession of quick strokes on a slow machine. The only major omission is a touch tablet, a must for serious artists.
For sprucing up your digital photos, Paint Shop Pro 9 includes new quick-fix filters for common problems. These include chromatic aberration removal, digital noise removal and compensation for fill flash and backlighting.
There is also a vast array of effects a nd filters to apply to your photos, and the new History Palette allows you to revert back to a previous state or reverse an action without affecting any subsequent actions. Settings in the History Palette can be saved as Quickscripts and applied to other photos — a great time saver. Support for RAW images is present for most major brands of digital cameras.
For vector art, Paint Shop Pro 9 sees some improvements to text rendering, especially on small fonts, by applying anti-aliasing to smooth out edges.
Ellipse and rectangle tools have been added to make buttons for Web sites along with a preview function, which opens up the current image in your default browser so you can assess image quality and file size. The Tabbed Documents view makes it easier to manage a large number of open documents.
Paint Shop Pro 9 packs a lot of functionality into a tidy package that offers terrific value for money.

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