13, Jan, 2025
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IBM’s NetVistais pure geek chic: sleek black lines and a great LCD screen. And the beauty isn’t just skin-deep — it packs a 1GHz Pentium II! processor and 40Gb hard drive. The claimed 128Mb of memory isn’t all at your disposal because 16Mb of that is claimed by the onboard SIS graphics chip, leaving you with only 112Mb to play with.
The NetVista has the largest footprint of the four machines we examined. This Is mainly because the system case is located behind the LCD screen, so it occupies roughly the same amount of desktop real estate as a normal monitor.
The NetVista’s drop-down CD and floppy trays are useful space-saving features — just press a button on the front of the screen and they slide down into place. There’s not really much room for anything else down there anyway, so most owners users will probably leave the drives down all the time.
IBM designed the NetVista for the corporate market, and the unit is certainly a joy to use for business tasks. It’s packed with expansion options, most notably four USB ports, and the hardware isn’t easy to damage. However, the machine is less compelling for home users. It’s a great little number- and document-crunching machine, but the graphics are limited.
The 16Mb onboard video card couldn’t handle most of our benchmark tests, although this isn’t unusual for compact systems and it doesn’t detract from their capabilities or appeal.
There are PCs with more power for the price, but they just can’t macth the NetVista X40 when it comes to style.

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