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DECpc XL590

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Digrfnl’s DfCpt XL590 recorded the fostest results we’ve seen — ochieving a processor score of 101.08
In the constant search for power and glory, Digital has released one of the first 3-3-volt 90MHz Pentium machines to hit the Australian market. The DECpc XL590 is a sneak preview of the latest range of super Pentium 90 and 100MHz chips that are cheaper, cooler and faster than earlier 60 and 66MHz versions.
There is only one word to describe the XL59O — fast. It has recorded the highest DOSmark. Processor and Winstone scores that we have seen. The P9O chip is the first chip tested to achieve a processor score in excess of 100. a record breaking 101.08. The DOSmark and Winstone scores are equally impressive with totals of 1074.14 and 91.6, respectively, also the fastest scores to date.
To avoid having to use a 90MHz motherboard the 1*90 chip uses dock doubling’ technolog)’, running internally at 90MHz and externally at 60MHz. The CPU and 256K of write through second-level cache are located on a removable CPU module. The module interfaces with the 16M (maximum 192M) of memory and PCI bus at 60 and 30MHz. Also located on the module is a second zero insertion force socket for Intel’s future range of Pentium Overdrive processors. The system is also compatible with the Alpha RISC-based DECpc AXP 150 CPU modules.
Taking advantage of the PCI bus and the throughput that it has to offer, the
preview machine came configured with a Diamond Viper graphics accelerator and an onboard PCI Fast SCSI controller, using the NCR chipset, and a 1G hard drive. In the past. Diamond Viper PCI cards and Windows drivers have not always been 100 per cent compatible with each other. With the latest BIOS revision, Version 10, a slight reworking of the card has solved the problems associated with earlier versions and it is now fully compatible with the PCI bus and Windows.
Tlx* result of such a combination is a Graphics WinMark of 22.4, at a resolution of 800 by 600 and 256 colours, nearly 10 per cent higher than any card tested to date. The hard drive is Digitals RZ26 model, a fast sub-10ms. 1G SCSI drive. The result for the drive in the Windows environment was a Disk WinMark of 1630. An un-cached IDE controller is located on die motheiboarcl for ISA bus support of IDE drives.
Tile casing for the unit features easily removable side panels and drive cages. With two temperature controlled fans and an unique ducting system you can be assured that the Pentium chip will not cook itself or any nearby components. For systems requiring expansion, the chassis consists of five drive bays, two of these are used by the 2.88M floppy and hard drive, the other three external 5.25in drive bays are vacant. For I/O expansion, only one of the PCI bus slots is used and the four ISA slots remain unpopulated.
Included with the system is Digital s Energy Star Min digital monitor. The many features of the monitor are accessed via an onscreen display and controls on the front of the monitor. With multiple energy-saving modes the monitor is the perfect complement for the system.
Entry-level desktop machines with the P90 chip start at $6995.

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Hardware · PCs

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