12, Jan, 2025
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Compaq iPaq H3000

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If you wont lo look like Star Trek’s Captain Kirk, you can don tights and a crimplene top, or just get yourself a Compaq iPaq H3000 Pocket PC. This has to be the slickest-looking mobile device available — smooth chrome finish, a deep-space toggle con-trol/speaker grille and a pop-out stylus: it has it all.
Even better, It’s not just a good looker. The iPaq is the first Pocket PC device to rival the Palm for speed, and It leaves all previous Windows CE efforts well behind. This is thanks to two major components: the Intel Strong-ARl CPU, which runs at 206MHz (50% faster than the Jornada), and the superb colour screen. How Compaq has squeezed all this and 32M The controls are the standard of RAM into a casing only slightly bigger than a standard Palm unit is a mystery.
Input and output occurs through an IrDA window on the top panel, a micro phone and a stereo-out jack for listening to MP3s. Power is supplied by a lithium polymer battery which is good for about two working days after charging in the rather weird-looking cradle. The iPaq connects to the desktop through a USB connection.
No standard expansion slot is included, but the special expansion/connector bus allows for clip-on external backpacks that can accommodate standard PC Cards as well as CompactFlash cards. This means a slimmer basic unit, with much better expansion than is usual for a pocket device.
on/application buttons plus a four-way toggle and voice record button. Like several other makers, Compaq has dispensed with the memo button; it uses a ‘QMenu’ key that gives access to a graphical menu of applications.
Once you get the hang of the tiered menu system, the iPaq is as easy to use and navigate as any Pocket PC device. The firmware-based QStart task manager applet is a godsend as it allows tasks to be closed with one button click. This dramatically reduces the program clog that cripples many other CE-powered units and enables faster operation.
Overall, this is a very impressive unit with excellent performance and the best screen. The only problem is that, for a few more dollars, you could almost buy a cheap notebook.

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