Byte vol.9 №10 October 1984
Ciarc!a*s Circuit Cellar: Build the AC Power Monitor by Steve Ciarcia…………107
‘four computer can measure electrical power consumption
KAMAS: An Unlikely Combination by Ezra SAopira……………………………..123
This product preview covers a software package offering outline processing and a FORTH-IHoe language for ZBO systems
Cluster Analysis by Rob Spencer…………………………………………..129
A BASIC program illustrates this pattern-recognition technique
The 65816 Microprocessor, Part 2: Hardware by Sioen P. Hendrix……………….135
The concluding article of this series deals with system-design considerations
The Floppy Disk by Glenn Hartwig……….. ……………………………….141
A trio of articles focuses on this often-overlooked component
Comparing Floppy Disks by Robert Rodina……………………………………142
A software consultant offers a subjective evaluation of several brands of disks, The Theory of Disk-Error Correction by Thomas Sterling………………………145
The algorithms presented can help you recover data from “unreadable disk sectors
Floppy-Disk Formats by Lester E. Thompson………………………………….147
The author attempts to dispel some of the mystery surrounding incompatibility and standardization
Big Proiects on Small Machines by William F Appelbe and Ala Pournelle…………150
Protect management and organization are the keys to the successful development of large software proiects
Fractals by Peter R. Sirensen…………………………………………….157
In the unexplored territory of fractional dimensions, mathematical pioneers are making intriguing discoveries.
Laser Graphics and Animation by loon CoWi« and Doug flicker………………….177
A microprocessor can program some sophisticated light effects
The Computer as an Artistic Tool by Isaac Vidor Keriow………………………189
The imaging process doesn’t change only the medium does.
Computer Landscapes by Daniel Cooper………………………………………211
Computer graphics merge with slik-screen panting
Editor’s Choke by lane Morrill Tcaelaar……………………………….. 221
various graphics techniques are illustrated In this selection of computer-generated an.
Color Considerations by La Baldwin. ……………………………………. 227
The author explores the use of color as an emotive and persuasive psychological force
Real-Time 3-D Graphics for Microcomputers by Marries Newton………………….251
A simplified drawing algorithm coded In assembly language permits 3-D animation in real time
From Pixels to Mkrodots by law Morrill Tdzelaar…………………………… 289
New developments in image resolution Increase microcomputer graphics potential
Introduction ……………………………………………………………..297
Reviewer s Notebook by Rich Malloy.. ……………………………………… 299
BYTE s product-review editor comments on the Geneva PX-3 briefcase unit the Itelecomp 1000 and more
The Liuth Personal Computer fy Paul A- Sand…………………………………..300
High performance results from a computer architecture built around Modula-2
The Leading Edge Personal Computer by Jeffrey Mazur……………………………312
This desktop system has an impressive word-processing program
The Morrow MD-11 6y John Hdlfont…………………………………………….325
A large software library and an unusual disk controller distinguish this system.
Five Voice Synthesizers by George H. Smith…………………………………. 337
Unear predictive coding ICs provide quality output.
Volitions Modula-2 on the Sage by Edward Joyce………………………………..351
Its an enticing combination
Review Feedback……………………………………………………….. 355
Readers respond to previous reviews
Computing at Chaos Manor: On the Road by Jerry Rjumelle………………………..363
leny s potpourri of observations Includes a look at Thinkftnk some PC clones NewWbrd. and more
Chaos Manor Mail…………………………………………………………..385
Jerry s readers write and he replies
BYTE West Coast News from Au Over by John Markoff and Ezra Shapiro……………..393
A new artificial-intelligence product and the latest upgrade of the ZCPR command processor for the ZSO are discussed
BYTE Japan: Show Time by William M. Raife………………………………….. 407
Our correspondent reports on the I98« Tbkyo Microcomputer Show
BYTE UK: The Sinclair QL by Diclt Fountain……………………………………415
Sinclair Research may have been hasty In announcing its new 64004-based system
Editorial Missing Software …….. 6
Fixes and Updates…………….33
Whats New………………..39. 468
Ask BYTE……………………..48
Clubs and Newsletters………….57
Book Reviews…………………63
Event Queue……………………83
Books Received………………..453
Programming Insight……………457
Technical Forum……………… 462
Unclassified Ads…………….. 525
BYTE’s Ongoing Monitor Box BOMB Results………………….526
Reader Service………………..527