Byte vol.9 №5 May 1984
40 Trump Card, Part 1: Hardware by Steve Ciarcia I Speed up your IBM PC with 16-bit coprocessing power.
59 User’s Column: Chaos Manor’s Hard-Disk System by Jerry Pournelle / Dirty filters, 8/16-land, views of the future, and inevitably more.
88 BYTE West Coast: Bulletin Boards In Space by John Markoff I Amateur radio pioneering promises low-cost global communications.
98 Professional Computing by Stanley J. Wszola / This month s theme articles explore how microcomputers can take on part of the burden of running many types of professional offices.
101 A Professional’s Perspective on User-Friendliness by William J. Raduchel / New systems are described as user-friendly, but what does that mean?
108 A Computer In the Doctor’s Wafting Room by George Zucconi I By handling patients* preliminary queries on a particular medical problem, the program described can save a doctor’s time for answering more complicated questions.
122 The Microcomputer as a Decision-Making Aid by Peter Callamaras IA computer can help you make work decisions, but only if you know what to expect.
127 Benchmarking Business-Modeling Software by William Hession and Malcolm Rubel / The guidelines presented can help you compare the functions and speed of business-modeling software.
137 Expert Systems for Personal Computers by Milos Konopasek and Sundaresan Jayaraman I The TKISolver approach.
160 How Lawyers Can Use Microcomputers by Robert P. Wilkins I Small systems can help cut costs while upgrading legal service.
171 Computerizing a Medical Office by Jonathan Javrtt IA physician’s advice can be useful for other professionals needing tailored applications.
187 Reviewer’s Notebook by Rich Malloy / BYTE’s product-review editor comments briefly on Multiplan, PFSWite, Infoscope, and more.
189 Thinktank by William R. Hershey / Billed as an “idea processor,” Thinktank is an outlining and organizing tool.
196 The QDP-300 Computer by Edward Joyce / A high-priced but speedy Z80 system.
206 The Kaypro 10 by Steve McMahon / This hard-disk CP/M portable has a large software bundle and a small price.
225 Converting the TRS-80 Model III for CP/M by Mark E. Renne I The author compares Mapper III, Shuffleboard III, and Vid-80.
236 Robographlcs CAD-1 by Rik Jadrnicek I Convert an Apple computer into a drafting system.
246 Two More Versions of C for CP/M by David D. Clark I A benchmark comparison of Q/C and Eco-C.
258 LNW-80 by Mahlon G. Kelly IA user reports favorably on this Z80-based, 8-bit TRS-80 work-alike.
275 This Month’s Features by G. Michael Mose / BYTE’s features editor gives an overview of the issue’s feature articles.
276 The Apple lie Personal Computer by John Markoff I Apple introduces a portable He compatible that runs ProDOS.
288 Inside the Model 100’s ROM by Brian Cameron I Explore the built-in software of the TRS-80 Model 100.
307 Maximizing Hard-Disk Performance by Roy Chaney and Brian Johnson / How cache memory can dramatically affect transfer rates.
339 Update on Apple Macintosh and Lisa 2 by Gregg Williams I The Macintosh turns out to be more expensive than expected.
340 Fitting Curves to Data by Marco S. Caceci and William P. Cacheris I The Simplex algorithm is the answer.
366 Laboratory Data Collection with an IBM PC by Stephen C. Gates IA versatile hardware/software combination.
382 Putting the Apple II Work, Part 2: The Software by Richard C. Hallgren IA high-speed system for the acquisition and analysis of data. 400 ISIM: A Continuous-System Simulation Language by Roy E. Crosbie / The structure and features of a simulation language designed to run under CP/M are discussed.
406 indexing Open-Ended Tree Structures by John Snyder / How to “walk” through a “grove” of A-trees in search of hierarchical nodes.
415 Using Comments to Aid Program Maintenance by Richard A. Thomas / Complex software can be maintained more easily by the judicious use of remarks embedded in the program code.
4 Editorial: The BYTE Reader: Who You Are 481 488 Books Received Software Received
14 Letters 499 What’s New?
426 BYTE’s User to User 573 Unclassified Ads
444 Event Queue 574 BYTE’s Ongoing Monitor
468, 474 Book Reviews Box and BOMB Results
478 Clubs and Newsletters 575 Reader Service
Cover painting by Robert Tinney