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Byte vol.9 №3 March 1984

Category: Byte
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28 Build a Third-Generation Phonetic Speech Synthesizer by Steve Ciarcia I The latest development in phonetic speech synthesis is the Silicon Systems SSI263 chip.
47 User’s Column: New Machines, Networks, and Sundry Software by Jerry Pournelle I Chaos Manor is inundated with new computers.
81 BYTE West Coast: A First Look at Dayflo by Ezra Shapiro IA free-form database gets you closer to your ideas.
93 Feigning Reality by Art Little I This month’s theme articles explore the use of software models to solve real-world problems
95 Computer Simulation: What It Is and How It’s Done by Richard Bronson I An introduction to modeling and computer simulation as they apply to microcomputers.
106 Simulating Reality with Computer Graphics by Peter R. Sprensen / One of the most intriguing branches of computer science promises to get even more exciting in the future.
138 Simulation of Weighted Voting: The Banzhaf Index by Philip A. Schrodt I In choosing and electing candidates, sometimes a small political party has the greatest influence.
157 Queue Simulation by E. Hart Rasmussen IA microcomputer can help you manage waiting lines.
179 A Risky Business—An Introduction to Monte Carlo Venture Analysis by Pat Macaluso / The author explains a simple method for analyzing business risks.
194 Simulation and Graphics on Microcomputers by Ronald R. Miller / Some graphic examples may be worth a thousand words.
204 Going Further by Charles A. Pratt / A compendium of conferences, organizations, books, and software for microcomputer simulationists.
213 Reviewer’s Notebook by Rich Malloy I BYTE’s product review editor comments briefly on the W&ng Professional Computer, DEC’S Rainbow, and other systems.
214 Compupro’s System 816/C and System 68K—the Two and Only by Ed Teja I Compupro’s new reversibles are 8085/8088 on one side and 68000 on the other
224 Microsoft Flight Simulator by Stan Miastkowski / Even expenenced pilots should find this program useful and challenging.
236 The Eagle PC by Tom Wadlow / A clone with a few improvements and a few mistakes.
246 STSC APL’ Plus and IBM PC APL: TWo APLs for the IBM PC by Jacques Bensimon I The IBM version of APL is simpler and more conservatively designed: the STSC version is more powerful and more expensive
268 Chalk Board’s Powerpad and Leonardo’s Library by Elaine Holden I A new large touch panel for the Atari 400/800. the Commodore 64. and the Apple II comes with a wide selection of software
274 Simulated Computer II by Richard Grehan IA graphic demonstration of how a microprocessor operates is also an easy introduction to assembly language.
282 Bank Street Writer by Mario Pagnoni I This word processor is simple enough for children but powerful enough for many adult writers.
288 SPOC: The Chess Master by Emil Flock and Jonathan Silverman IA close look at a significant chess program for the IBM PC.
296 M.U.L.E. by Gene Smarte I Beneath its clever packaging lies a fascinating economic simulation.
301 The Witness by Dennis Barker IA murder-mystery game for detectives whose business is trouble.
306 The Tandy TRS-80 Model 2000: A Powerful New MS-DOS Machine by Rich Malloy I Performance advantagesand an attractive price will make this 80186-based machine the new Tandy standard-bearer
320 A Closer Look at the IBM PCjr by G. Michael Vbse and Richard S. Shuford / Two BYTE editors compare the PCjr to the PC and evaluate its performance and expandability.
336 The Japan Shows: An Update on the Japanese Computing Scene by Richard Willis I NEC introduces an impressive 16-bit computer, and Canon shows a remarkable, inexpensive laser printer.
352 The User Goes to COMDEX, 1983 by Jerry Ftournelle I Sorting through a plethora of booths and products, Jerry manages to find some worthwhile merchandise.
371 Pascal’s Design Flaws: Modula-2 Solutions and Pascal Patches by Mark C. Johnson and Allen Munro I The authors look at seven subtle problems with Pascal and how Modula-2 avoids them.
393 Trademarking Software Packages by Robert Greene Sterne and Perry J. Saidman I Trademark clearance can prevent litigation and loss of hard-earned goodwill
400 An EPROM Simulator by Albert S. Woodhull I This versatile project includes battery backup.
411 Simulation with Electronic Spreadsheets by Art Matheny I Spreadsheet programs make a career change.
4 Editorial: Where BYTE Is 462 Software Received
Going470Books Received
9 MICROBYTES 473 Book Reviews
15 Letters 474 What’s New?
418 BYTE’s User to User 541 Unclassified
430 Ask BYTE 542 BYTE’s Ongoing Monitor
438 Event Queue Box, BOMB Results
458 Clubs and Newsletters 543 Reader Service
Cover painting by Robert Tinney

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