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Byte vol.9 №2 Febrary 1984

Category: Byte
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Cover Story
30 The Apple Macintosh Computer by Gregg Williams I The firm that brought forth the Lisa now offers mouse-window-desktop technology in an under-52500 system.
58 An Interview: The Macintosh Design Team by Phil Lemmons / The “wizards” behind the Macintosh discuss the design goals and philosophy that influenced the development of Apple’s new computer.
88 Build the Circuit Cellar Term-Mite ST Smart Terminal, Part 2: Programming and Use by Steve Ciarcia I The supplied standard control software supports several character attributes and various configuration options.
113 User’s Column: Chaos Manor Gets Its Long-Awaited IBM PC by Jerry Pournelle / Of mice and men. Eagles. Shirley, the ol’ mailbag, and much more.
147 BYTE West Coast: A Business Computer, a Business Program, and More on Voice Recognition by Ezra Shapiro / Recent developments on the computing scene raise some questions about perceived industry trends.
158 Benchmarks and Performance Evaluation by Bruce Roberts I This month’s articles discuss benchmarks, their limitations, and alternative methods of product evaluation.
160 Don’t Bench Me In by Jerry Houston I Benchmarks are a popular way to compare both hardware and software. But how meaningful are they?
168 Beyond MIPS: Performance Is Mot Quality by John M. Carroll and Mary Beth Rosson I Two users observe that there’s more to overall system quality than speed of operation.
175 Software Performance Evaluation by Brian Boyle I This article presents some helpful guidelines borrowed from a successful hardware model.
193 The Art of Benchmarking Printers by Sergio Mello-Grand / An exhaustive set of benchmarks helps you determine how fast your printer really is.
218 Benchmarking FORTRAN Compilers by Avram Tetewsky I The author offers insights into determining which compiler creates the fastest code.
227 Benchmark Confessions by Peter Marvrt and Mohandas Nair / Understanding the background and intentions of benchmarks is the key to interpreting the results.
235 The Word-Processing Maze by Andrea Lewis I How to find your way through all those “new” features.
243 Evaluating Word-Processing Programs by Arthur Naiman/A 100-point checklist simplifies rhe decision-making process.
251 Reviewer’s Notebook by Rich Malloy IA plotter from Hewlett-Packard, a Mannesmann Tally printer, and two software packages for the IBM PC are featured in this month’s notes.
252 ProDOS by Rob Moore I Apple Computer presents a powerful new operating system for Apple II computers.
267 Knowledgeman by James W. Walker IA new. fully integrated management system offers full database and spreadsheet capabilities in one package.

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