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Byte vol.8 №10 October 1983

Category: Byte
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36 Product Preview: The HP 1 SO by Phil Lemmons and Barbara Robertson / ‘’Magic” is the code name for Hewlett-Packard’s latest personal computer project—and it fits. In this preview, we take a look at the hardware and software that make the machine so special.
51 An Interview: The HP 150’s Design-team Leaders by Phil Lemmons and Barbara Robertson / Jim Sutton and John Lee talk about the development of the HP 150
67 Build the Micro D-Cam Solid-State Video Camera, Part 2: Computer Interfaces and Control Software by Steve Ciarcia / In this final article in the series, you’ll learn how to attach the camera to the expansion buses of the Apple 11 Plus and the IBM PC and how the camera is programmed to work.
94 BYTE West Coast: Shaping Consumer Software by Phil Lemmons and Barbara Robertson I In an interview. Trip Hawkins, president of Electronic Arts, discusses the criteria he uses to judge software and explains his view of the programmer as artist.
107 User’s Column: New Computers, Boards, Languages, and Other Tidbits by Jerry Pournelle / A medical diagnosis-by computer program is the star attraction this month.
130 The Unix Operating System by Bruce Roberts / The multiuser, multitasking operating system developed at Bell Laboratories offers powers and abrfines far beyond those of normal microcomputer operating systems. Our theme articles explore the reasons behind Unix’s popularity
132 The Unix tutorial. Part 3: Unix In the Microcomputer Marketplace by David Fiedler I The final article in this series explains the differences between various Unix versions and between true Unix systems, work-alikes, and look-alikes
160 Unix and the Standardization of Small Computer Systems by Jean L. Yates I The Unix operating system and the C language will be major factors in the standardization of file handling and compatibility across small systems and mainframes.
170 A Tour Through the Unix File System by James Joyce IA devoted Unix user surveys points of interest in Unix’s hierarchy of files
187 The Unix Shelf by Stephen R. Bourne / The author of the standard Unix shell presents the program that interprets users’ commands and is a programming language in its own right.
209 Unix as an Application Environment by Mark Krieger and Fred Pack I Unix is the operating system of choice for many programmers because it offers portability. communications capability, a rich set of utilities, and a large body of applications.
219 Usenet: A Bulletin Board for Unix Users by Sandra L. Emerson IA look at a network of more than 500 Unix systems and its various and sundry uses
241 The Unix Writer’s Workbench Software by Lorinda L Cherry and Nina H. Macdonald I This applications package can improve your writing by analyzing rough drafts and suggesting improvements.
253 Typesetting on the Unix System by Bill Tuthill I With troff, you can typeset manuscripts, tables, and equations with Unix.

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