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Byte vol.8 №1 January 1983

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30 The Compaq Computer by Mark Dahmke / The latest IBM-compatible microcomputer, this portable machine can run all IBM system software, and it costs less than the Personal Computer.
40 Microcomputing, British Style by Gregg Williams / Our Senior Editor braved the crowds and the clamor of the fifth Personal Computer World Show to bring us this firsthand account.
54 Build the Circuit Cellar MPX-16 Computer System, Part 3 by Steve Ciarcia / The final installment describes the design of the MPX-16. which is I/O compatible with the IBM Personal Computer.
86 Heath’s HERO-1 Robot by Steven Leininger I This microcomputer-controlled robot demonstrates the principles of automation and robotics. 100 IBM’s “Secret” Computer: the 9000 by Chris Morgan I IBM Instruments Inc. manufacturers a 68000-based instrumentation computer that could become a powerful business machine.
128 The Next Generation of Microprocessor by Timothy Stryker / Before too long, integrated-circuit manufacturers will be marketing single-chip processors that directly implement high-level languages in hardware.
152 Maximizing Power In Multiuser Architectures by Mark Garetz IA system design combines the advantages of a single-processor multiuser system with those of both loosely and tightly coupled networks.
166 Personal Computers In the Eighties by Greggory S. Blundell / A recent study shows that the market potential for the next decade is enormous.
186 Meet You at the Fair by Philip A. Schrodt / A first-person report of the S 12.5-million high-tech rock concert sponsored by Steve Wozniak.
198 Public Key Cryptography by John Smith I An introduction to a powerful cryptographic system for use on microcomputers.
234 Atari Player-Missile Graphics In BASIC by Paul S. Swanson / The Atari computer offers a unique way to manipulate graphics in a BASIC program.
254 Problem Oriented Language, Part 2: Writing a Module by Mark Finger I Develop a problem oriented program with simplified data input.
283 Eratosthenes Revisited: Once More through the Sieve by Jim Gilbreath and Gary Gilbreath IA closer look at a benchmark prime-number program and various Pascal and C compilers.
371 Vector Graphics for the TRS-80 by Dan Rollins I How to incorporate machine-language graphics into your BASIC programs.
396 Simulation of Simple Digital Logic through a Computer-Aided Design System by Robert McDermott / Computer-aided design for hobbyists.
418 User’s Column: Burnouts, Bargains, and Two Sleek Portables by Jerry Pournelle / The tireless industry critic mourns Ezekial and seeks comfort from the exquisite Adelle, who happens to be an Otrona Attache.
110 Apple-Cat II by James A. Pope
330 Whitesmiths C Compiler by Larry Reid and Andrew P. McKinlay
346 Analyst and Qsort by Structured Systems Group by Jack L. Abbott
364 The Timex/Sinclair 1000 by Billy Garrett
446 Supervyz and Organizr: Two Menu-Driven Front Ends for CP/M by Christopher O. Kern
6 Editorial: New Hardware
14 Letters
222, 381 System Notes: Exploring the Commodore VIC-20; Autograph: A Plotting Subroutine in TRS-80 Level II BASIC
272, 276, 386 Book Reviews: Teletext and Videotex in the United States; Structured Systems Programming; Silent Witness: A Novel of Computer Crime
387, 454 Programming Quickies: Another Binary to BCD Conversion Routine; High-Speed Pascal Text File I/O
386, 468, 475, 479, 485 BYTE’s Bits
391 BYTE’s Bugs
469 Clubs and Newsletters
470 Event Queue
476 Software Received
480 Books Received
481 Ask BYTE
486 What’s New7
541 Unclassified Ads
542 BOMB, BOMB Results
544 Reader Service

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