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Byte vol.8 №8 August 1983

Category: Byte
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46 The C Language by Bruce Roberts I Designed to make programs portable, fast, and compact C is the language of choice for many programmers. This month’s theme articles survey the reasons why.
48 The C Language and Models for Systems Programming by Stephen C. Johnson and Brian W. Kernighan IA happy medium between low- and high-level languages, C provides a model for efficient programming.
64 A C Language Primer, Part 1: Constructs and Conventions by James Joyce IA guided tour through C’s keywords and functions. 82 Comparing C Compilers for CP/M-86 by Jerry Houston, Jim Brodrick, and Les Kent IA look at which compilers for CP/M-86 systems are best suited to particular purposes, most cost-effective, and easiest to use. 110 Five C Compilers for CP/M-80 by Christopher O. Kern / How C compilers for the CP/M-80 operating system stack up.
134 Nine C Compilers for the IBM PC by Ralph A. Phraner / A discriminating look at the C compilers available for this lucrative software market.
172 Managing Software Development with C by Jason Linhart / Choosing a good programming environment can affect programming ease and code quality more than you might imagine.
186 The Unix Tutorial, Part 1: An Introduction to Features and Facilities by David Fiedler / An overview of Bell Laboratories’ Unix operating system and its toolbox of utilities.
212 A Survey of C and Unix Resources by Walter Zintz IA guide to materials, courses, and on-line instruction in C.
222 What is a Software Tool? by Rebecca Thomas / How to use Unix and C to design programs that in turn will help you to design other programs.
243 The Unix C Compiler In a CP/M Environment by Matthew Halfant / A look at how compatible the standard C compiler is when it’s used under CP/M.
268 Annotated C: A Bibliography of the C Language by Terry A. Ward / Where to find books, articles, and reviews on C.

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