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Byte vol.8 №5 May 1983

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38 The Osborne Executive and the Executive U by Jerry Pournelle / Adam Osborne’s second and th rd machines come with more standard equipment. offer more options and have a shghtly larger video screen than rhe Osborne I
4-9 Build an RS-232C Code-Activated Switch by Steve Ciarcia I This device writ let you switch between several peripherals connected to one serial port
59 The Electronic Office by Pamela A. Clark IA short introduction to our theme articles
60 Local Area Networks by Harry Saal / The proliferation of office communication systems makes standardization all the more imperative 104 The Movable Conference by Irving A. Lerch I Computer-moderated conferencing is not bound by time and geographic restrictions and rs sure to change (he structure of the executive business meeting 124 Electronic Publishing: The New Newsletter by Arthur 5. Bechhoefer / How a newsletter evolved from ks traditional format to a computer accessed, interactive investment advisory service
154 Achieving Greater White-Collar Productivity In the New Office by Randy J. Goldfield I The conversion to automated cods «n an office mu« address many issues, especially human factors.
203 Full Use of the Epson MX80 Under Wordstar by Neil G. Wallace / How to upgrade Version 3.2 of Wordstar co use more of the capacities of the Epson MX 80 equipped with Graftrax-Plus.
232 Stalking the East-Aslan Microcomputer by Phil Lemmons i The aurhex chronicles his five-nation tour and reports on the state of microcomputing m East Asia as revealed by attending six electronics trade shows.
236 The Japanese Microcomputer Marketplace by Kurt Veggeberg IA short report on the current state of microcomputing in Japan
242 An Inexpensive Letter-Quality Printer by Stuart Brown I If tow cost and letter quality are two of your priorities for a printer, consider this interface between a personal computer and the Olivetti Praxis 30 266 BYTE West Coast: Ferment In Silicon Valley by Phil Lemmons I Profiles of four start rip companies suggest the dynamism of the region and illustrate several ways m which firms get started.
272 NAPLPS: A New Standard for Text and Graphics. Part 4: More Advanced Features and Conclusions by Jim Fleming IA standard way to encode color mapping and animation, closing with some predictions on how NAPLPS wtf be used by personal computers
286 Better Software Manuals by Dana Sohr I The quakiy of a product’s companion documentation could make or break a sale Tips on what constitutes a good manual
298 User’s Column: Ulterior Motives, Lobo, Buying Your First Computer, JRT Update by Jerry Pournelle I Our resident critic cakes his fust look at Modula 2
331 The Enhanced VfC-20, Part 4: Connecting Serial RS-232C Peripherals to the VIC’S TTL Port by Joel Swank / The last tn this VIC series discusses pod connections
342 Design Philosophy Behind Motorola’s MC68000, Part 2: Data-movement. Arithmetic, and Logic Instructions by Thomas W Starnes IA look ai the capabkdies of the MC6fiOOOs instruction set 368 Building a Hard-Olsk interface for an S* 100 System, Part 3: Software by Andrew C. Cruce and Scott A. Alexander r How to alter (he CP/M operating system so that it win accommodate a Winchester disk dnvc and controller
402 Using IBM’s Marvelous Keyboard by David B. Glasco and Murray Sargent III I H’s a fairly simple procedure to change IBM’s keyboard to the Dvorak layout, or even use the keyboard with other computers and software.
418 Strongly Typed Languages by Earl E. McCoy / Ada. Pascal, and ocher new languages lee you define your own data types
438 The Ins and Outs of the TRS-80 Color Computer by Colin J. Stearman / Fmd out how the Color Computer interfaces with the outside world
452 A Conceptual Approach to Real-Time Programming by Craig R. Wyss / You can use various real-time programming techniques to turn a lazy computer into a rea. worker
474 Regression Fitting to Economic Indexes by Dr. John R.
Merrill / An Apple II program can help determine base rates of m flat ton hrough analysis of the Consumer Price index
482 Sorting Algorithms for Microcomputers by Terry Barron and George Diehr I Programmer ingenuity and search of the existing literature can s-grnheantiy improve sort performance
1 4 Lrttle Big Computer. The TRS-BO Model 100 Portable Computer by Rich Malloy
82 The Fortune 32:16 Business Computer by Steven H Barry
134 What a Conceptl A View of the Corvus Computer by Curtis Fergel 176 Word Tools for the IBM Personal Computer by Richard S. Shuford 220 A Comparison of Five Database Management Programs by Jack L Abbott
263 Painter Power by Chris Pappas and Wilfeam H Murray
426 Solarsoft by Winslow H Fuller
6 Editorial: Disenchantment with Detroit
8 Letters
326 Book Review: Microprocessor Systems, interfacing and Applications
499 Event Queue
509 Software Received
513 Books Received
515 Ask BYTE
521 Clubs and Newsletters
524 What’s New?
589 Unclassified Ads
590 BOMB. BOMB Results
591 Reader Service

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