Byte vol.8 №4 April 1983
28 Build an RS-232C Breakout Box by Steve Ciarcia I This diagnostic tool can help you make working serial connections.
53 The National Semiconductor NS 16000 Microprocessor Family by Glenn Leedy / The 16000 brings to microcomputers features formerly available only on much larger systems.
70 Design Philosophy Behind Motorola’s MC68000, Part 1 by Thomas W. Starnes I This 16-bit processor with multiple 32-bit registers is considered by many experts to be the most powerful, yet easy-to-program microprocessor available.
96 The CRT 9007 Video Processor and Controller by Brian Cayton and Mort Herman I Explore the heart of a smart terminal.
110 New Japanese Microcomputers by Phil Lemmons IA first look at the new wave of advanced computers.
132 Intel’s 80186: A 16-Bit Computer on a Chip by Tony Zingale I The 80)86 is the first integrated circuit that attacks the cost problem in 16-bit microcomputers.
154 The Intel 8087 Numerics Processor Extension by R. B. Simington I This chip lets you perform mathematical operations with 18 decimal digits of accuracy. 176 Super Graphics Hardware from NEC by Steve Levine I The NEC 7220 GDC is a new item of sophisticated graphics hardware for microcomputers.
190 NAPLPS: A New Standard for Text and Graphics, Part 3: Advanced Features by Jim Fleming I NAPLPS can draw irregular lines, compress repeated code segments, define new text characters, and divide the display screen into separate fields.
210 Virtual Memory for Microcomputers by Stephen Schmitt / A brief review of virtual-memory concepts, including an examination of four new memorymanagement chips.
242 BYTE West Coast: Hard Choices for Software Houses by Phil Lemmons I Advances in hardware, specifically microprocessors and storage devices, are forcing software houses to make some far-reaching decisions.
258 50 and 100 Years Ago in BYTE I The microcomputer industry has made great strides in the past 100 years. Read about what the industry looked like just a short century ago.
260 The Enhanced VIC-20, Part 3: Interfacing an MX-80 Printer by Joel Swank / How to connect a parallel-port printer to the VIC-20.
304 Building a Hard-Disk Interface for an S-100 Bus System, Part 2: The Hardware by Andrew C. Cruce and Scott A. Alexander I This installment covers choosing the disk drive, the disk controller, and the power supply and building the host computer adapter.
324 User’s Column: Terminal Solutions, Manual Madness, BASIC Bits, and Info Helpers by Jerry Pournelle / Terminal concerns for Wordstar users. BASIC comments, and a bunch of useful utilities are reviewed by the lord of Chaos Manor.
360 Build This Memory, Part 2: Constructing the Memory Card by Cameron Spitzer I Take advantage of the low cost of dynamic memory.
385 Modula-2 by Joel McCormack and Richard Gleaves I Niklaus Wirth, creator of Pascal, brings us a general-purpose systems implementation language based on modules.
398 The Design of an Advanced Logic Simulator by Robert M. McDermott / Macrocircuits and time-saving features make this new simulator easy to use.
442 Information Hiding: A Brief Example by Gregg Williams I Consider this helpful alternative to structured programming and modular design.
290 Two Ways to Use CP/M-80 on the IBM PC by Phil Lemmons
6 Editorial. The New Generation of Human-Engineered Software
12 Letters
461 Clubs and Newsletters
463 Ask BYTE
466 Event Queue
477 Books Received
478 BYTE’S Bits
479 Software Received
484 What’s New?
541 Unclassified Ads
542 BOMB. BOMB Results
543 Reader Service