Byte vol.7 №10 October 1982
29 Beyond the Peaks of Vlslcalc by Jack Bishop I Three new software packages help fiscal planners study large, complex financial models.
40 Build the Mlcrovox Text-to-Speech Synthesizer, Part 2: Software by Steve Garcia / Rules for conversion of plain English text to phonemes govern the operation of this SC-OIA-based device.
68 What Makes Business Programming Hard? by James L. Woodward I A banker/ programmer describes some of the pitfalls in writing software that handles “routine” business tasks.
80 Adapting Microcomputers to Wall Street by Robert Franz I Microcomputers are fast becoming crucial tools for financial managers
96 Putting Real-World Interfaces to Work, Part 1: Monitoring Physical Quantities with the TRS-80 by William Barden Jr. I A summary of techniques for interfacing the TRS-80 to the “real-world” and a look at some of the transducers that provide practical applications.
1 28 The State of Industrial Robotics by J. Michael Callahan / Industrial robots are playing an increasingly important role in manufacturing. Here we look at some of the fundamentals of robot design and describe some robot subsystems.
146 Marketplace by Robert Dickinson I You can become an entrepreneur and pit your company against the competition in this two-player telecomputing game for the TRS-80 Model III. It’s the sixth-place winner in the BYTE Game Contest.
176 Ringquest by Gordon Mills I You’ll need to muster up more than the usual amount of game strategy for this adventure that sometimes penalizes the aggressive player. It captured fifth place in the BYTE Game Contest.
210 The Case of the Purloined Object Code: Can It Be Solved? Part 2: Approaches to Software Protection by Richard H. Stern / An expert on software-protection law tackles the tough issues.
254 User’s Column: A BASIC and Pascal Benchmark, Elegance, Apologies, and FORTH by Jerry Pournelle / A microcomputer user assesses the speed and convenience of some languages currently available
291 An Introduction to the Human Applications Standard Computer Interface, Part 1: Theory and Principles by Chris Rutkowski I Six years’ effort has already gone into developing an interface design that promises to make computing power more accessible to the general consumer.
315 The Personal Computer as an Interface to a Corporate Management Information System by N. R. McBurney III Designing an intelligent terminal program for the Apple II Plus. 360 Software Arts’ TK Solver by Gregg Williams I Software Arts’ new “toolkit” equation solver is like an electronic calculator for algebra.
380 Naming Your Software by Stephen A. Becker I Registered trademarks provide the best protection for your software creations.
406 Program Your Own Text Editor, Part 2: Install the Vldeo-Dlsplay-Orlented Text Editor on Your System by Richard Fobes IA listing of the text editor’s source code with numerous comments concludes this two-part article.
224 Radio Shack Compiler BASIC by Rowland Archer 392 Wyse Technology’s WY-100 Terminal by Mark Haas 400 Edu-Ware’s Statistics 3.0 by Brownlee Elliott 447 Systems Plus: FMS-80 by Jack L. Abbot
6 Editorial: Some Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
18 Letters
26, 386, 454, 468 BYTE’s Bits
312 Programming Quickies: Generating Mohr’s Circle 385, 390 Book Reviews: Personal Documentation for Professionals. Means and Methods; Visicalc: Home and Office Companion
390 BYTE’s Bugs
451 Clubs and Newsletters
452 Ask BYTE
459 Event Queue
466 Books Received
467 Software Received 471 What’s New?
525 Unclassified Ads
526 BOMB. BOMB Results
527 Reader Service