Byte vol.7 №11 November 1982
30 The Third NCGA and the Future of Computer Graphics by Alexander Pournelle I An overview of the state of the art in computer graphics as gleaned from a day at the fair.
48 Tronic Imagery by Peter Sorensen / A behind-the-scenes look at the development of the computer-generated graphics in Disney Studio’s film Tron.
78 Build the Circuit Cellar MPX-16 Computer System, Part 1 by Steve Ciarcia / Any peripheral device designed to be installed in the IBM Personal Computer can be plugged into this 8088-based system.
118 Problem Solving with Logo by William Weinreb I Find out how a complex design can be broken down into surprisingly simple components.
174 Build a Video Digitizer by Michael
Keryan I Capture any video image for processing by your computer.
194 Computer Animation with Color Registers by David Fox and Mitchell Waite I The color registers on the Atari 400 and 800 give programmers amazing animation capabilities, even in BASIC.
216 Victor Victorious: The Victor 9000
Computer by Phil Lemmons / A detailed look at a third-generation microcomputer that really gets down to business.
256 An Interview with Chuck Peddle by Phil Lemmons I The chief designer of the Victor 9000 discusses microcomputer design, marketing, and the industry’s future.
272 JETSET by Eugene Szymanski / You’ll thrill to the highs and lows of this simulated flight game. It’s the fourth-place winner in the BYTE Game Contest.
336 The Game of Rat and Dragon by Truck Smith I You really put your game-playing skills to the test in this chase in which dragons pursue a rat that’s after some cheese. As your skills improve the pace quickens. It captured third place in the BYTE Game Contest.
379 An Introduction to the Human Applications Standard Computer Interface, Part 2: Implementing the HASCI Concept by Chris Rutkowski I Details of an easy-to-use, consumer-quality computer console.
386 A Short History of the Keyboard by Phil Lemmons I The widespread use of keyboards as input and control devices for microcomputers has generated renewed Interest in an old problem.
394 User’s Column: Terminals, Keyboards, and How Software Piracy Will Bring Profits to Its Victims by Jerry Pournelle I The columnist answers a few letters and passes on some interesting observations from readers.
416 Inexpensive Transducers for the TRS-80 by William Barden Jr. IA practical look at the devices that put real-world interfaces to work.
448 A Graphics Primer by Gregg Williams I Microcomputers can create quite a variety of graphics.
474 Interactive 3-D Graphics for the Apple II by Andrew Pickholtz / Understanding the theory of perspective helps you to represent three-dimensional objects on a two-dimensional screen.
508 Mkrovec: The Other Type of Video Display by Billy Garrett / Vector displays produce images far sharper than “high-resolution” raster types.
1 38 The Graphics Magician by Peter Callamaras
148 Cambridge Development Lab’s High-Resolution Video Graphics System by James R. DeKock
164 Executive Briefing System by Peter Callamaras 324 Colonial Data Services’ SB-80 by Arthur Little
6 Editorial: Deus ex Machina of the Technological Age
14 Letters
529 Software Received
532 Ask BYTE
534 Event Queue
539 Clubs and Newsletters
548 Books Received
553 What’s New?
605 Unclassified Ads
606 BOMB, BOMB Results
607 Reader Service