Byte vol.7 №5 May 1982
34 Everyone Can Know the Rea! Time by Steve Ciarcia / Tecfmologcal advances have made reaHime clocks simple and ^expensive
60 Six Personal Computers from Japan by Christopher P. Kocher and Michael Keith I a comparative review of rhe BMC 1I8OO. Canon CX-I. Hitachi MB-6890. NEC PC-8001 A. Fujitsu FM-8. and Systems Formulate Corporation BubcomBO.
106 Japan Update by Mark Haas I The semiannual Consumer Electronics Show is on ns way to becoming a showcase for new computer products.
114 The Machines Behind the Machines by Phil
Lemmons I Several Japanese companies, both large and small, have their eyes on the American market.
118 The Japanese Manufacturers—How Successful Will They Be? by Tod Zipnick I Mow they fare depends largely on their abicy io meet me needs of the American marketplace
140 Japan Maps Computer Domination by Tom
Manuel / Ten year R&D effort aims to leapfrog U.S. technology
148 The Atari Tutorial, Part 9: Even More Colorsl by Kathleen Pitta and Lane Winner I Television art/acts and the new GTIA chip allow even more colors to be displayed on Atari computers.
162 Ports of Entry and Soft Breezes for the Color Computer and Model III by William Barden Jr, / A $10 anemometer and ocher remote-sensing prefects using me cassette Interface
202 The Input/Output Primer, Part 4: The BCD and Serial Interfaces by Steve Leibson I A look at one of the least understood interfaces—the RS-232C—and one of the first instrument interfaces.
226 The User’s Column: Supercalc, Spelling Programs, BASIC Compilers, and Home-Grown Accounting by Jerry Pournelle / A critical computer user Surveys new programs, inducing one of his own.
274 More Maze Building by Thomas Edward Neldner I A Pascal program to generate mazes efficiently on a printer
318 TRS-80 BASIC Program Hang-ups: The Reasons and Some Solutions by Glenn Tesler / understand and ehmmate those mysterious crashes on your TRS-80 Model I
334 Anatomy and Development of a Batch-Processing System by Gene Walters / A software system that lets your computer run a senes of programs without your intervention
426 CHEDIT: A Graphics-Character Editor by Jerry N.
Sweet / Defme your own character set tot Apple Pascal.
446 Give Your Apple a Voice: A Speech-Development System Using the Radio Shack Speech Synthesizer by John Blankenship I how to make your Apple u talk.
465 Programming PERT In BASIC by Steven Zimmerman and Leo M. Conrad IA method for planning complex activates Where no precedents exist.
479 CP/M, Your Time Has Come: A Real-Time Clock for the Most Popular Microcomputer Operating System by J. L Calaway and 0. Hill / AB the hardware and software you need to get time-of-day printouts whenever you like.
224 Alien Typhoon by Wall Latocha
246 PU1 for Microcomputers by John A. Lehman
252 Apple N BGColumn Video Boards. Five Popular Units by John E. Howland
266 More Apple 00-Cokjmn Boards by Gregg Williams
286 Colne Robotics Armdroid, The Small-Systems Robot by Steven W LerMnger
296 Super FORTH Isn’t by Gregg Wr-iams
6 Ecktoriai Japan and the “64K” Question
1 4 Letters
20, 307 BYTE’s Bus
22 BYTE Comment Copyrights. Computers, and the Betamax Case
300, 302, 304 Book Reviews Fifty BASIC Exercises. Programmer’s
Guide to the 1802: TRS-80 Color Computer Technical Reference Manual
300 BYTE s Bugs
308 Programming Quickies Structured Smogs m BASIC
398 Ask BYTE
408 Event Queue
457 Technical Forum. Hierarchical interrupts
460 Books Received
462 Clubs and Newsletters
463 Software Received
494 What’s New?
542 BOMB. BOMB Results
542 unclassified Ads
543 Reader Service