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Byte vol.7 №3 March 1982

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40 Four New Products from Radio Shack by Chris Morgan I New developments from Radio Shack include some surprises.
50 Use Voiceprints to Analyze Speech by Steve Ciarcia I The first step «n designing a speech recognoon system is analyzing the spectral content of speech.
80 The Atari Tutorial, Part 7: Sound by Bob
Fraser I The Aran 400 and 800 computers can generate a variety of noises 100 Build a Half-year Clock for the Color Computer by William Barden Jr. I The inexpensive and accurate haf-year dock can be easily interfaced to a Radio Shack Color Computer.
126 The Input/Output Primer, Part 2: Interrupts and Direct Memory Access by Steve Leibson / Second r» a senes that explains the way m which computers talk with the world
142 A BASIC Plotting Subroutine, Sophisticated Plotting with Your MX-80 by Lawrence J. Bregoli / Simple software routines let the Epson MX-80 emulate sophisticated plotters 158 Modify Your Paper Tiger for Different Paper Thicknesses by R. P. Sarna / A simple modification increases the versatJ’ity of your printer.
198 Custom and Standardized Forms for the Microcomputer User by Philip Lemmons / A number of companies stand ready to help you with various stock, custom, or standardized forms.
218 The Fill Forms System, CP/M Programs to Cut Down on Paperwork by Bill Roch / Use your computer to ha m standardized forms
248 Lowercase Descenders for the Epson MX-70 by Bruce Piggott I Get true lowercase descenders and program your own special characters
278 BYTE Printer Directory by Curtis P. Feigel I A Nsbng of printer manufacturers and :heir products.
456 The Computer Toolbox by Mark Bernstein I
The modularity of FORTH gives laboratory computers portabibty and AexOtMy
466 Skip Sequential: A New File Structure for Microcomputers by Jack Purdum / An interesting technique for North Star and Microsoft BASCs combines the speed of random-access disk Wes with the space-saving advantages of sequential-access files
26 Commodore 4022 Printer by Joseph Holmes
44 Integral Data Systems’ Prism Printer by Ed Umkx
68 BYTE’s Arcade: Apple Panic by Gregg Williams: Missile Command by Stanley J. Wszoia; Dino Wars by George Stewart 172 Graphics II by Selanar, High Resolution Hard Copy from a DECwrlter by Daniel Macero. Daniel Holmes. Thomas Banks, and Lloyd Burgess
206 Base 2 Printer by Walter Jeffries
262 Text Editing with Compuview’s VEDIT by H. Bradford Thompson
316 Four Implementations of Pascal by Thomas H. Woteki and Paul A. Sand
358 Microsoft’s BASIC Compiler for the TRS-80 by Mahlon G. Ke>iy
□ / LDOS—Disk Operating System for the TRS-80 by Tim
384 COBOL for the TRS-80 Models Wil by Rowland Archer Jr. 414 John Bell Engineering’s Apple II Parallel Interface Board by Ned W. Rhodes
6 Editorial: The Microprocessor s Tenth Birthday
14 Letters
162, 300, 310, 473 Programming Quckies: BASIC Formatted Printing; An Underline Filter for Matrix Printers; A Shape-Drawing Program for Diablo Printers; Finding Words That Sound Alike. The Soundex Algorithm
166, 256, 272 System Notes: Epson MX-80 Print-Control Program for the Apple fl; Add a Full-sized Keyt>oard to Sinclair’s ZX80. Add a Cassette Interface to Your VIC-20
240 Product Description: Tele-VIC. Commodore Breaks the S100 Price Barner tor Modems
432 Books Received
434, 441 BYTE’s Bugs
440 Clubs and Newsletters
441 Software Received
442 Ask BYTE
448 Event Queue
454 BYTE’s Bits
475 What’s New?
526 Unclassified Ads
526 BOMB. BOMB Results
527 Reader Service

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