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Byte vol.7 №6 June 1982

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48 The Videodisc Interfacing Primer by Rod
Daynes I Learn how to develop interactive videodisc programs.
56 Interactive Videodisc Design and Production / Wicat Systems presents a systematic approach to the design.
development, and product ton of an interactive videodisc system.
60 Build an Interactive-Videodisc Controller by Steve Ciarcia I You can use your personal computer to control a Pioneer VP-1000 laser-optical videodisc player through its remote-control circuitry.
78 Videodiscs In Education, Integrating the Computer and Communication Technologies by Isaac I. Sejar I Educators are discovering ways to use videodiscs as an aid to learning.
108 Interactive Training In Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation by David Hon I Computer and videodisc technologies are combined to provide instruction in lifesaving techniques.
142 Videodiscs and Optical Data Storage by Dick Moberg and Ira M. Laefsky / We may soon be measuring mass storage in gigabytes
182 On the Way to Standard BASIC by Thomas E. Kurtz IA survey of what’s in the proposed ANSI standard and why it’s there
242 The Input/Output Primer, Part 5: Character Codes by Steve Leibson I Character codes turn computer data into messages that people can understand.
260 A General-Purpose I/O Board for the Color Computer by William Sarden Jr. / You can build this interface for less than S25 and plug it into the ROM cartridge slot.
286 User’s Column: Terminal Madness, The Word, Grammatlk, and Then Some by Jerry Pournelle / The critic reviews some new computer terminals, word-processing software, compilers, and M-drive.
302 The Atari Tutorial, Part 10: Human Engineering by Chris Crawford / The interaction between the computer and the person using it is the most important and the most often neglected aspect of commercial software.
321 Upward Migration, Part 1: Translators by Roger Taylor and Phil Lemmons / Using translation programs to move CP/M-80 programs to CP/M and MS-DOS.
410 TAFT: Terminal Apple with File Transfer by Tom Gabriele I Low-cost telecommunication capability for the Apple II.
452 Maintenance Alternatives for Personal Computers by Lewis A. Whitaker / Repair service options to consider before you buy a computer and preventive maintenance steps to perform once you’ve made the purchase.
468 Omni Aviation Navigation System by Richard Campbell I Simulate aircraft instrument navigation using simple trigonometry.
162 BYTE’s Arcade: Armored Patrol by Pete Callamaras; The Eliminator: Mayhem in Space, TRS-80 Style by Silas Pike; Galactic Chase by Stan Wszola
220 App-L-ISP by Jeff Bonar and Steve Levitan
235 Tawala’s Last Redoubt by Hartley G. Lesser
348 The Osborne 1 by Mark Dahmke
364 Applescope Stores Dual Traces by Gregory MacNicol
376 NEWDOS/80 Version 2.0 by Mahlon G. Kelly
488 Micro-Decision Support System/Finance (DSS/F) by Robert Moskowitz
6 Editorial: West Coast Computer Fare Report
26 Letters
232, 493 Technical Forum: Find That Disk; Conditionals in LISP
237, 497 Programming Quickies A Word-Counting Utility for Writers; Listing the Disk Directory in CP/M-based Pascal
402 Book Review: Beneath the Apple DOS
404, 460 System Notes: Adapting “Harvesting the Sun’s Energy” for the Commodore PET; Text-Handling Routines in Extended BASIC
434 Ask BYTE
479 Clubs and Newsletters
480, 510 Books Received
480 BYTE’s Bugs
482 Event Queue
487 Software Received
502 What’s New’/
558 Unclassified Ads
558 BOMB. BOMB Results
559 Reader Service

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