Byte vol.7 №7 July 1982
34 The Input/Output Primer, Part 6: Interrupts, Buffers, Grounds, and Signal Degradation by Steve Leibson I The conclusion of a six-part series that covers fundamental issues in computer interfacing.
50 Computers, Fiction, and Poetry by Kevin McKean I Computer-generated stories and poems shed some light on the complex process known as creativity.
60 Add Programmable Sound Effects to Your Computer by Steve Ciarcia I Silicon replaces gunpowder for producing sound effects.
76 Breaking the Jargon Barrier: Designing Programs for Humanists by Ned Herte and Lou Heite I Two archaeologists design practical programs in the language their colleagues understand.
108 Microcomputers In the Study of Politics, Predicting Wars with the Richardson Arms-Race Model by Philip A. Schrodt IA Pascal program helps predict the outcome of arms races and other two-party conflicts.
138 Software Tools for Writers by Wayne Holder / Your computer can take the tedium out of the process of writing and put new life into the final product.
166 The Historian and the Microcomputer, A Student of the Past Meets the Machine of the Future by Don Karl Rowney / The microcomputer promises to change the nature of historical research methods and the teaching of history.
178 Simulating Neighborhood Segregation by Edwin Dethlefsen and Carlisle Moody IA BASIC program gives surprising insights into some of the forces that hamper integration.
208 Measuring Attitudes with a PET, A BASIC Program That Finds Out How People Feel by David R. Heise / This BASIC program gives microcomputer owners sophisticated attitudemeasurement tools once the domain of politicians and big corporations.
2 SO Microcomputers In Cultural Anthropology, APL Programs for Qualitative Analysis by Oswald Werner I Microcomputers on-site help the study of Navajo and other cultures.
290 User’s Column: Ada, MINCE, CP/M Utilities, Over-priced Documentation, and Anallza II by Jerry Pournelle I An inveterate user of microcomputers expresses firm opinions on hardware, software, and other subjects.
360 Using the Model l/lll RS-232C Port by William Barden Jr. I Some mysteries of the TRS-80 Model I and III RS-232C interface are solved and instructions are given for building a data communications plugboard.
378 Programming the Critical-Path Method In BASIC by Steven Zimmerman and Leo M. Conrad I This program helps managers assess the productivity trade-offs of time and money.
392 Computers for Humanity by Jerry Pournelle IA firsthand report on the newest products introduced at the Seventh West Coast Computer Faire.
54 Scion Color System by Mark Dahmke
284 Mediamix’s ETP by Robert Welborn
312 Color Computer Disk System by Colin Stearman
408 It All Depends on Your Viewpoint by Alien D. Moore
412 Database Management with Ashton-Tate’s dBASE II by Jack L. Abbott
6 Editorial: The Briefcase Computer Market Heats Up
14 Letters
32 BYTE’s Bugs
402 Book Review: Computer Power and Human Reason
406 Technical Forum: INS8070 Series Instruction Set Summary
417 Clubs and Newsletters
417, 432, 440 BYTE’s Bits
418 Software Received
420 Ask BYTE
422 Event Queue
431 Books Received
434 Desk-Top Wonders: Draw Poker for the TI-59
441, 452 Programming Quickies: Generate Huffman Codes; Idiot-proof Input in Pascal
442, 448 System Notes. Tuning Up the 1802; Double Your TRS-80’$ Graphics Resolution