Byte vol.7 №2 February 1982
38 Build a Computerized Weather Station by Steve Ciarcia I An ambitious variation on a simple project to collect data on prevailing winds.
72 A Homebrew Graphics Digitizer by
Neal Atkins and Enrique Castro-Cid I Two potentiometers and an elegant mechanical device make an inexpensive digitizer.
91 The Atari Tutorial, Part 6: Atari BASIC by Lane Winner / A better understanding of Atari BASIC will have you writing more powerful programs.
122 The Input/Output Primer, Part 1: What Is I/O? by Steve Leibson I The first in a six-part input/output series that will explain the way computers talk with the world.
148 FIT—A Federal Income Tax Program In UCSD Pascal by Edward Heyman / This program will teach you some fine points of the Pascal language, and it may even save you money.
194 Build an EPROM Emulator by Eric C. Rehnke / Dual-port memory can simplify software developments.
212 Tax Tips for Computer Owners by Melvyn Feuerman and Melvyn Moller/A new law provides tax breaks if you use your computer for business.
225 A Guided Tour of Apple Pascal Units and Libraries by Ross Tonkens / Creating new Pascal Units lets you add powerful features to the Apple II.
258 Voice Synthesis for the Color Computer, Third in a Series by William Barden, Jr. I Explore digital recording and playback techniques for the Color Computer.
290 Pascal NOW, Let Pascal Balance Your NOW Account by Thomas E. Doyle I Investigate some theoretical issues of data relationships within the context of an eminently practical program.
32 The Flexibility of VisiPlot by Robert E. Ramsdell
204 Two Tax Aids by Mary Jo Kvam
219 Dithertizer II by Joe Tomas
252 Omniterm: Smart Terminal Program for the Eighties by Bob Liddil
6 Editorial: Report from COMDEX
18 Letters
216, 372 Book Reviews: Beyond Games: Systems Software for Your 6502 Personal Computer; How to Become a Successful Computer Consultant
248 Technical Forum: A Fast Approximation for Fast Fourier 327, 376 BYTE’s Bugs
338 BYTE’s Bits
340, 413 System Notes: 6809 Machine-Code Disassembler; Double-Width Silentype Graphics for Your Apple
365 Ask BYTE
373 Clubs and Newsletters
377 Event Queue
386 Software Received
387 Books Received
425 What’s New?
478 Unclassified Ads
479 Reader Service
480 BOMB. BOMB Results