Byte vol.7 №4 April 1982
32 The Generic Word Processor, A Word-Processing System for All Your Needs by Philip Schrodt / You’ll be amazed by this product’s versatility.
40 Use Infrared Communication for Remote Control by Steve Qarda I Texas Instruments’ SN76B32AN infrared Remote-Control Receiver simphfies the tough job of receiving modulated infrared light.
50 How to Use Color Displays Effectively, A Look at the Elements of Color Vision and Their Implications for Programmers by John Durrett and Judi Trezona I Color is becoming an affordable option for personal computers, but Ike any new tool, it has special limitations and requirements.
56 A Human-Factors Case Study Based on the IBM Personal Computer by Robert G. Cooper Jr., Paul Thain Marston, John Durrett, and Theron Stimmel / Members of a human-factors evaluation team put the Personal Computer to the test. 108 A Human-Factors Style Guide for Program Design by Henry Simpson / Design considerations that make programs user-friendly.
134 The Atari Tutorial, Part 8: Generating Sound with Software by Bob Fraser I The sound capabilities of the Atari 400 and BOO are influenced by the software technique used.
1 58 A Po(r)tpourrl of Ideas, Fifth In a Series by William Barden Jr. / Three inexpensive hardware and software projects for a tone generator, a telephone dialer, and an RS-232C output channel.
186 The Input/Output Primer, Part 3: The Parallel and HPIB (IEEE-488) Interfaces by Steve Leibson / An introduction to two common interfaces between computers and other devices.
212 User’s Column: The Osborne 1, Zeke’s New Friends, and Spelling Revisited by Jerry Pournelle / A seasoned computer user takes a look at new products and updates.
242 Designing the Star User Interface by Dr. David Canfield Smith, Charles Irby, Ralph Kimball, Bill Verplank, and Eric Harslem I The Star User Interface adheres rigorously to a small set of principles designed to make the system seem friendly by simplifying the human-machine interface.
284 Designing a Text Editor? The User Comes First by Steven Jong / A system’s power is measured in ease of use.
302 Managing Words: What Capabilities Should You Have with a Text Editor? by Craig A. Finseth I The ideal text editor is defined drawing on the experience of many users.
322 A Disk Operating System for FORTH, An In-depth Look at How a DOS Operates by Peter Reece I Develop a DOS for the FORTH language and gain an understanding on how all DOSes operate
380 MOD III: TRS-80 Model III Features for Your Model I by Joe W. Rocke I Add video line print, selectable cursor, and automatic kev reoeat to vour TRS-BO Model I.
398 Binary-Coded Text, A Text-Compression Method by
Dr. Richard Tropper I You can trim text size by 40 percent by encoding common character strings.
439 Career Opportunities In Computing by Jacqueline Johnston / Hobby level interest in computers can lead to a career in the computer industry.
447 Converting Apple DOS and Pascal Text Files by John
B. Matthews / Now you can exchange information between DOS 3.3 and Pascal Operating Systems.
464 A Simple Multiprocessor Implementation by John Harrington IA simple connection can be the start of a multiprocessing, multitasking system
472 An Introduction to NSC Tiny BASIC, The Language of the INS8073 by Jim Handy I National Semiconductor’s unique version of Tiny BASIC combines the elegance and efficiency of assembly language with the convenience of a high-level language
76 The Hewlett-Packard Interface Loop -HPIL by Robert Kat?
96 Strawberry Tree’s Dual Thermometer Card for the Apple by Dr. William Murray
312 Two Word Processors for North Star by Edgar F Coudal
371 Selector IV by Mlcro-Ap, An Information-Management Program by Jack L Abbott
6 Editorial A Revolution m Your Pocket
20 Letters
102, 155, 240 Book Reviews. Software Psychology Human Factors in Computer and Information Systems: The Mind s I. Handbook of Digital IC Applications
104 Product Description: The Epson HX-20. The First Byte-wed Computer
362 Technical Forum. MicroShakespeare,
418 BYTE’s Bits
419 What’s New?
429 Ask BYTE
432, 436 Programming Quickies: A BASIC Program for Home Cryptography, Base Conversion on the TRS-80 Pocket Computer
435 Software Received
482 System Notes Easy-Entry Program for Radio Shack’s Color Computer
489 Clubs and Newsletters
490 Books Received
491 Event Queue
542 Unclassified Ads
542 BOMB. BOMB Results
544 Reader Service