Byte vol.6 №9 September 1981
27 A Look at NCC ’81 by Steven K Roberts I A photo essay on the National Computer Conference held last May in Chicago.
38 Build an Unlimited-Vocabulary Speech Synthesizer by Steve Ciarcia I An easy-to-use speech synthesizer can be designed using the Votrax SC-01 Speech Synthesizer Chip.
58lhe Xerox Alto Computer by Thomas A Wadlow I Some attributes of this research tool will be used in the next generation of personal computers
72 Tree Searching, Part 1: Basic Techniques by Gregg Williams I a basic program allows your computer to solve a shdmg-biocks puzzle
112 One Step Forward—Three Steps Backup, Computing In the US Space Program by Patrick Stakem I The stringent demands of space exploration are met by several 8- and 16-bit microprocessors 164 Artificial Intelligence by Steven K Roberts I Intelligent computers could ease the task of dealing with vast amounts of information, if certain problems can be solved.
180 A High-Level Language Benchmark by Jim Gilbreath I Speed benchmarks for more than fifty implementations of high-level languages
200 Science Fiction’s Intelligent Computers by Donald Byrd I Current knowledge of an ficiai intelligence puts science fiction to the test
216 Symbolic Differentiation a la LISP by Ronald L Nicol / The ist-mampuiation abilities of LISP are easily adapted to differentiating mathematical functions.
238 Knowledge-Based Expert Systems Come of Age by Richard O Duda and John G Gaschnig I if an expert can do a specialized, self-contained task, so can a program.
284 The Atari Tutorial, Part 1: The Display List by Chris Crawford I The display fist allows you to mix both text and graphics on the same video-drsplay screen 304 Natural-Language Processing, The Field In Perspective by Gary Hendrix and Earl
Sacerdoti / Systems that interact in English must have some understanding of human psychology and the world outside the computer.
414 The Emperor’s Old Clothes by Charles Antony Richard Hoare I Mr Hoare. winner of the )980 ACM Turing Award, reflects on his career and speculates on the future
52 The Big Soard: A Z80 System in Kit Form by David Thompson
1 46 Misosys Software s DISKMOD: Put Radio Shack’s Editor/Assembier on Disk by Steve Hughes
1 50 MINCE, A Text Editor by Christopher O Kern
384 BYTE’s Arcade: Big Five Software by Gregg Williams;
The Prisoner by Bob Liddil
388 Three Microcomputer LISPs by Steven P Levitan and Jeffrey G Bonar
436 interactive Fiction: Six Micro Stories by Bob Liddil
6 Editorial: Odds and Beginnings
10 Letters
34, 108 Book Reviews. Principles of Artificial Intelligence. Tunic Geometry
110, 383, 412 byte’s Bugs
162 Programming Quickies Changing a BASIC FOR . NEXT Loop into a REPEAT .. . UNTIL Loop
360 Ask BYTE
364 Books Received
366 Clubs and Newsletters
372 Event Queue
383 Software Received
412, 425 BYTE’s Bits
426, 428, 435 Technical Forum. Microcomputers and the IRS: Add Dual Trace and Delayed Sweep to Your Oscilloscope; How to Build an inexpensive Cassette Level Indicator
432 System Notes: An Almost Optimum Z80 Memory Test Program
441 What’s New?
494 Unclassified Ads
495 Reader Service
496 BOMB. BOMB Results