Byte vol.6 №10 October 1981
26 The IBM Personal Computer: First Impressions by Phil Lemmons I The computer gun etrtjtacn scftware con^uat>*ty and support lex n* dependent peripheral manufKCuvn
36 8uMd an Intelligent EPROM Programmer by Steve Ciarcia I W<n a zb basic SAc/ocomputtr. you can ra$>y put together a vendue programmer fix 2H6 EPROMs
50 Uftr«-Low-Cost Network for Person al Computers by Ken Clements and Dave Daugherty t The age of communKaticn tor personal com-puten r>a» amved; don’t oc left Oehno.
7 0 The Atari Tutorial Part 2: Graphics Indirection by Chris Crawford t Gxaprxs rxfirecuon lets you qwxVy change tne coion used «the video deplay and redefine the Atari character set.
92 Local-Area Networks, Possibilities for Personal Computers by Df Harry J Saal I The ‘©fie penon. one computer” concept ft anprovrd wnh commix anons
1 1 4- Prepare Your Program for Publication by C A Johnson I a cheeJetu of protesMorui touches -hat can make software sei.
126 Software Protection in the United Kingdom by Martin Hayman I A London confcimce confronts the proWcm of software piracy
140 Network Toots. Ideas for Intelligent Network Software by Peter 8 Pelnges t a xi <ygeneral moduki provrtrs a oa» fix networking
176 A Simple Implementation of Multitasking by Wendell Brown / A ktr SLEEP can go a long way.
195 Tree Searching. Part 2: Heuristic Techniques by Gregg WilBiams I Aonwr* Mgotnvn **>/* you to find an optimal sdunon wenom an ex-naurtivr JcPCh of me sutrspace we
214 Drawing wfth UCSD Pascal and the Hip tot Plotter by Dr James Stork I Some OCSD ptonog toumes that can be inked to any Pascal program 250 Evaluate Your Home’s Energy Efficiency. Conserve Energy with Your Computer by Kimball Beasley f use your compucr k> those txidgcc-txeaiung near oas
264 Bridging the 10-Pereem Gap by Paul T 8rady / Software problems can hold Dart a sman-Dusness dara^xvcessng c/ptoson.
284 Graphics Fundamentals by Kathleen Bresnahan Sandifyr / a company logo is the vehek toe undcrscandrig Windom and xaang
400 Bold * Versatile Keyboard Interface for the S-100 by David R Richards IA devee mat teu you commurxate wth yew mrrecompucer
407 PERT Organization by W Douglas Maurer fA mathemaucai method used Dy computer programmers so dnermine she relative mportance of the usxs under thev superwvon
413 Should the DO Loop Become an Aisembiy-Language Construct? by Glenn L Williams I ftmovaovc nsnxicns can (o<f«a« me software cma.”
430 Multiple Regression for the TRS-80 by Douglas William
Madron / On corrvertxig the mathematics of ftnear regressxxi neo a gmeraHxjrpose BASIC program
448 Bits and Bytes In Patcal, and Other Binary Wonders by David Casseres I Put UCJO Pascal through as paces to ease programming and have fun.
458 Apple Analog-to-Dlgltal Conversion in 27 Microseconds by Mkhael A Seeds f 6uM ttw$ n^h-iprrt. KXx anaJogaxftgcai converter tor your Appe tor less than S ICO
462 PS—A FORTH-Llke Threaded Language. Part 1 by Vaio G Mota lygo I PS aaows auemty-Language code and rvgn-cvh code io be muea
86 Atari’s Telelink I by Glen Flint
378 Integral Data’s Paper Tiger 460 by Eliakim Wilmer
383 The Mauro Proac Plotter by Mack Danmke
385 The Radio Shack FORTRAN Package by Tim Daneiitrk
6 Editorial
1 0 Letters
122, 278, 334, 354, 467s>istem Notes. List Pager; Discover the Machine Beneath the Machine. A Z0O Monitor Program; A Closer Look at the TRS-80 Color Computer; Two Short Graphics Programs for the OSI C-IP: Recursive Pro cedures for the 6502 Microprocessor
302 Software Received
304 Books Received
306 ByTElinES
316 Ask BYTE
324 Event Queue
332 Clubs and Newsletters
332, 375 BYTE’s Bas
342 Book Reviews Four Roads to Understanding Radio Shack’s TRS80
356, 376, 419 Proqramminq Quickies Memory Manipulator. Eliminate Hex-a-Phobia. A Fast. Ancient Method for Multiplication. Apple Pascal Cross-Reference
366, 391, 394 Technical Forums: Use a Relative Subroutine Call for Relocatable Z8O Programs: The VariaWe-Duy-Cyde Algonthm. Dynamic Simulation in BASIC
372 Languages Forum BASIC. Pascal, or Tiny-c? A Simple Benchmarking Comparison
471 What’s New7
526 Unclassified Ads
527 Reader Service
528 BOMB. BOMB Results