Byte vol.6 №5 May 1981
36 Extended Color BASIC for the TRS-80 Color Computer by Stan Miastkowski / Fast easy, and inexpensive graphics are finally avarlaWe for personal computers with this new system from Radio Shack.
46 The Commodore VIC 20 Microcomputer A Low-Cost, High-Performance Consumer Computer by Gregg Williams / The VIC 20 has color, sound, graphics, and expandability, and seNs for S299.95.
66 DC Motor Controls: Build a Motorized Platform by Steve Ciarcia / Appropriate circuits can very precisely control permanentmagnet DC motors.
128 Washington Tackles the Software Problem by Christopher Kern I Recent court decisions pave the way for more software protection against piracy.
140 Legal Protection for Computer Hardware and Software by Stephen A Becker I An overview of patents, copyrights, and trade secrets, and how they relate to computer software and hardware protection.
I Wlre-Wrapping and Proto-System Techniques by
Adolph Mangieri / Construction of homebrew designs is greatly aided by the complete wire-wrapping systems from Vector Electronics.
171 Speeding Up TRS-80 Graphics by Ronald Bobo and John Knoderer I Improve the response time of BASIC graphics displays on your TRS-80.
204 An Integer Math Package for the 8080 by Bruce D Carbrey / These routines are useful when you need arithmetic operations on signed 16-bk numbers.
280 Using Interrupts on the Apple II System by George M White I The use of interrupts in the 6502 microprocessor is demonstrated using an Apple II.
296 Digital Plotting with the Apple II Computer by Richard C Hallgren I interface an x.y plotter directly to an Apple II with a minimum of hardware.
316 Recursion and Side Effects In Pascal by Robert
Morris / The use of global and local variables can change how a program works.
326 DEMONS: A Symbolic Debugging Monitor by A I Halsema I Debug your machine-language programs for 6800-based systems using instruction mnemonics.
360 Build a Super Simple Floppy-Disk Interface, Part 1 by James Nicholson and Roger Camp / Ten integrated circuits can provide all the features of a commercial disk controller at a fraction of the cost.
408 A File Catalog System for UCSD Pascal by Edward Heyman / Keep track of all those scattered files with this organization system.
436 Numerical Methods In Data Analysis by Toan C Nguyen I Gauss-Jordon elimination and the Newton-Raphson method can be used to find the function curve that best fits a set of empirically determined data.
22 The Epson MX-80 and MX-70 Printers by Kevin Cohan 106 BYTE’s Arcade: Star Raiders by Gregg Williams; Super Nova by Bob Liddil; Tranquility Base by Robin Moore, Asteroids in Space and Planetoids by Oliver Holt
148 Dancing Demon from Radio Shack by Elizabeth Cooper and Yvon Kolya
248 Super STEP by Stanley D Robbins
254 Wordsmith by Mark Dahmke
6 Editorial: How Can We Stop Software Piracy?
12 Letters
102, 236 System Notes: Improve TRSBO Disk Operation. Add an External Data Separator; Faster BASIC for the Ohio Scientfic
122, 430 Programming Quickies. Using Page Two wxh Apple Pascal Turtle Graphics, Printf for (he C Function Libraiy
126 Cartoon
186 Education Forum Getting Problem-Solving Advice From a Computer
198 Desk Top Wonders: A Chessboard Journey on the TF59 Programmable Calculator
228, 378, 452, 458 Technical Forum Print Your Own Bar Codes; UPC Bar Codes With the Centronics 737; PAPERBYTE® Bar Codes wxh Integral Data Systems Printers. Favorite Benchmarks and Other Programs; Build a Nose-Based Random-Number Generator; Fast Fourier Comes Back
232, 252 BYTE’s Bugs
244, 380 Book Reviews- Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics. 2nd Edition. Travels in Computerland, or Incompatibilities & Interfaces
278, 428 BYTE’s Bits
384 Ask BYTE
394 Software Received
398 Books Received
404 Clubs and Newsletters
447 Event Queue
463 What’s New?
510 Unclassified Ads
511 BOMB. BOMB Results
512 Reader Service