Byte vol.6 №3 March 1981
20 Structured Programming and Structured Flowcharts by Gregg Williams A technique that makes programs easier to write, understand, fix, and change.
36 Build the Disk-80: Memory Expansion and Floppy-Disk Control by Steve Ciarcia I Steve discusses how to use dynamic memory and f loppy-dis k-controller integrated circuits and presents a design that incorporates them.
54 Three-Dimensional Computer Graphics, Part 1 by Franklin C Crow I Ways to display solid objects with the removal of hidden lines and surfaces.
132 What Is Good Documentation? by Jim Howard / How to write clear and effective documentation.
166 A Beginner’s Guide to Spectral Analysis, Part 2 by Mark Zimmermann Images can be transformed into holograms via Fourier transforms.
262 A Simple Approach to Data Smoothing by Fred Ruckdeschel and Janice A Krinsky I The techniques described here can aid in the interpretation of data taken from real-world situations.
300 The New Literacy: Programming Languages as Languages by Jon Handel BASIC, ALGOL, and APL are compared to the English language.
317 Computer Music: A Design Tutorial by Thomas P Orlofsky IA modest amount of theory provides the background for building a simple program-controlled digital tone generator.
84 The Micro Matrix Photopoint Light Pen by Stephen 8 Gray
90 What’s Inside Radio Shack’s Color Computer? by Tim Ahrens, Jack Browne, and Hunter Scales
6 Editorial: Is This Really Necessary?
12 Letters
152, 333 Programming Quickies: Computing the Determinant of a Matrix; Constellation I: An Astronomy Program
155 Languages Forum: A Coding Sheet for FORTH 164, 314, 316 BYTE’S Bits
216, 224, 234 Technical Forum: DATALINE; Addition and Subtraction: The 1802 Versus the Z80: Build a Simple Video Switch
230 Desk-Top Wonders: Hunt the Wumpus with Your HP-41C
236 System Notes: Software Addressing Modes for the 8080
248 Software Received
252 Books Received
254 Ask BYTE
308 Event Queue
315 Clubs and Newsletters
337 What’s New?
382 Unclassified Ads
383 BOMB, BOMB Results
384 Reader Service