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Byte vol.6 №6 June 1981

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36 Logo for Personal Computers by Harold Nelson / A preview of the first small-computer versions of this exciting language.
46 Build a Low-Cost Speech-Synthesizer Interface by Steve Ciarcia I The Digitalker integrated circuits from National Semiconductor can easily give your computer a limited spoken vocabulary.
7 2 Mathematical Modeling: A BASIC Program to Simulate Real-World Systems by Randall E Hicks I A Compucolor II BASIC program effectively simulates a physical system through the solution of a system of linear differential equations.
110 A Computer-Based Laboratory Timer by John Gibson I Accurate, repeatable time measurements can be made in rapid succession, and logged for later use.
216 CP/M: A Family of 8- and 16-Blt Operating Systems by Gary Kildall / An overview of Digital Research’s operating systems, including a I6-bit operating system.
248 The UNIX Operating System and the XENIX Standard Operating Environment by Robert Greenberg I An inside look at a large-computer operating system implemented for use with microprocessors.
268 The Ins and Outs of CP/M by
James Larson I Directly access the I/O and disk access functions of the CP/M operating system.
302 Build a Super Simple Floppy-Disk Interface, Part II by Roger Camp and James Nicholson I A moderate amount of software makes the 10-device circuit into a flexible floppy-disk controller.
378 An Easy-to-Use A/D Converter by Robert Daggit I This analog-to-digital converter features six input channels with accuracy of 8 to 10 bits.
392 The Impossible Dream: Computing e to 116,000 Places with a Personal Computer by Stephen Wozniak I An 8-bit microcomputer is harnessed to the Herculean task of computing the mathematical constant e to 115,925 places.
24 RAMCRAM Memory Module for the Atari by Mark Pelczarski
88 Information Unlimited: The Dialog Information Retrieval Service by Stan Miastkowski
176 Four Word Processors for the Apple II by Keith Carlson and Steve Haber
352 Startrek 4.0 and Startrek 3.5 by Scott Mitchell 356 The BDS C Compiler by Christopher Kern
6 Editorial: The New 16-Bit Operating Systems, or. The Search for Benutzerfreundlichkeit
12 Letters
30, 162, 384 Technical Forums: LISP vs FORTRAN: A Fantasy; We Interrupt This Program…; A Votrax Vocabulary 146 Education Forum: Microcomputers in Education: A Concept-Oriented Approach
168 Programming Quickie: 280 Table Lookup
234 System Notes: LIST — A Source-Listing Program for the C Language
342 Ask BYTE
348 Software Received
350 Books Received
350, 370, 377 BYTE’s Bits
364, 374 Book Reviews: Musical Applications of Microprocessors; TEX and METAFONT: New Directions in Typesetting
371 Clubs and Newsletters
372 Event Queue
376 BYTE’s Bugs
409 What’s New?
462 Unclassified Ads
463 BOMB, BOMB Results
464 Reader Service

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