Byte vol.6 №7 July 1981
26 The Santa Cruz Open: Othello Tournament for Computers by Peter W Frey I One of tHe surprises was the impressive showing of the microcomputers and hand-held electronic units. . 38 Build a Z8-Based Control Computer with BASIC, Part I by Steve Ciarcia I Zilog’s new single-chip microcomputers ease the construction of a small, inexpensive computer system.
48 Harvesting the Sun’s Energy by George E Mobus / A computer model helps determine the amount of solar energy received by a flatplate collector. *
94 What Time Does the Sun Rise and Set? by Bruce Barkstrom I This sunrise-sunset program calculates many parameters associated with the sun, including the amount of solar radiation received by the earth.
136 Multiprocessing with Motorola’s MC6809E by Hunter Scales / The MC68O9E microprocessor is designed for use in a multiprocessor system.
158 Computer Simulation of a Solar-Energy System by Daniel Doan I An electric-circuit model makes heat flow easier to understand.
178 Energy Conservation with a Microcomputer by David R Jackson and John M Callahan I The principles of energy conservation can be applied to your home using a program written in PET (Microsoft) BASIC.
230 Kalman Mileage Predictor-Monitor by Jerry Lobdill / Predicting your car’s fuel economy can alert you to mechanical problems.
252 The Infamous Traveling-Salesman Problem: A Practical Approach by Richard T Parry and Howard Pfeffer I a decision-tree-prunmg algorithm greatly reduces the time needed to solve the traveling-salesman problem.
308 Micromodem Support In Apple Pascal by Scott G Robinson I Pascal support of the standard operational features of the Micromodem II.
326 Life After Death by Pat Macaluso I A variation on the game of Life that introduces the concept of a cellular hereafter.
388 Computer-Aided Drafting with Apple Pascal by Dan Sokol I special routines link the Apple Graphics Tablet to UCSD Pascal in this computer-aided-drafting project.
60 Mountain Computer’s MusicSystem by Robin B Moore
174 The Atari Assembler/Editor by Mark Pelczarski 334 DOS Plus: Double-Density Operating System for the TRS-80 by Yvon Kolya
344 Percom’s Doubler by Mahlon G KeNy
354 Videx Keyboard and Display Enhancer by Mark Pelczarski
6 Editorial; IBM’s Personal Computer
14 Letters
24, 134 System Notes: Terminal Width Problems with the OSI Challenger; Changes to FLOPTRAN-1V
118 BYTE’s Bugs
120, 294, 300 Programming Quickies: Hurricane Tracking; Energy Management with the Apple II: Computing Inflation with the Consumer Price Index
210 Ask BYTE
221 Books Received
358 Education Porum: Animation m Computer-Assisted Instruction: The Replication of DNA
368 Technical Forum: Catch Bytes with a Comparator
372 Event Queue
380, 385 BYTE’s Bits
382 Clubs and Newsletters
386 Software Received
180, 430 Cartoon
433 What’s New?
494 Unclassified Ads
495 BOMB, BOMB Results
496 Reader Service