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Byte vol.6 №1 January 1981

Category: Byte
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18 An Introduction to Atari Graphics by Chris Crawford and Lane Winner I Learning to use the Atari display list can help to unleash the full power of Atari’s custom LSI video integrated circuits.
34 The Panasonic and Quasar Hand-Held Computers: Beginning a New Generation of Consumer Computers by Gregg Williams and Rick Meyer / This full-function computer fits in your hand and weighs 14 ounces.
48 Electromagnetic Interference by Steve Ciarcia I Interfering electrical noise must be dealt with according to its mode of transmission.
7 2 The NEC PC-8001: A New Japanese Personal Computer by Michael Keith and C P Kocher I This popular Japanese personal computer may soon be sold in the United States.
148 Generating Bar Code In the Hewlett-Packard Format by Thomas McNeal I Bar code provides a cheap, easily reproduced, mass-storage medium that encourages the publication of software.
226 The Picture-Perfect Apple by Phil Roybal This driver software allows your printer to transcribe the high-resolution graphics of the Apple II personal computer.
238 Micrograph, Part 3: Software and Operation by E Grady Booch / Part 3 concludes this series with a description of Micrograph’s powerful software and instruction-set usage.
318 Whose BASIC Does What? by Teri Li Knowing the differences between the six most popular BASICS is essential.
94 The Sinclair Research ZX80 by John C McCallum
118 The HP-41 C: A Literate Calculator?
by Brian P Hayes
208 The Newest Sargon—2.5 by John Martetiaro
216 The SwTPC 6809 Microcomputer System by Tom Harmon
6 Editorial: Hand-Held Computers
10, 292, 314 BYTE’s Bits
12 Letters
90 Technical Forum: SC/MP Instruction-Set Summary
104 Education Forum. Multi-Micro Learning Environments
142 Desk-Top Wonders
182 Systems Notes
188 Languages Forum: A Bug in BASIC
282 Ask BYTE
294 Software Received
296, 298 BYTE’s Bugs
298 Books Received
300 Book Reviews
304 Event Queue
312 Clubs and Newsletters
328, 334 Programming Quickies
336 What’s New?
382 Unclassified Ads
383 BOMB. BOMB Results
384 Reader Service

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