Byte vol.6 №12 December 1981
36 The Coinless Arcade by Gregg Williams I With microcomputer games, you can have your fun and your quarters too.
42 Build a Touch Tone Decoder for Remote Control by Steve Ciarcia I Once you get your computer to answer the telephone and decode tone signals, you can use it for remote control.
134 Color Computer from A to D, Make Your Color Computer ’’Set” and “Fe«r Better by William Barden Jr / Hardware and software projects to tie your Color Computer to the real world.
166 The Atari Tutorial, Part 4: Display-List Interrupts by Chris Crawford / How to get the most out of the Atari 400 and 800’s color-graphics features.
190 How to Build a Maze by David
Matuszek I Generate unique random mazes for puzzles and games.
198 Toward a Structured 6809 Assembly Language, Part 2: Implementing a Structured Assembler by Gregory Walker I implementing GOTO-less structure In an already existing language is easy with macroinstructions.
229 MIKBUG and the TRS-80, Part I; A Cross-Assembler for the Motorola 6800 by Robert
Labenski IA TRS-80 cross-assembler package for those who are tired of hand-assembling code and loading it two bytes at a time into MIKBUG
258 What Makes Computer Games Fun? by Thomas W Malone I Why the average outer-space game may be more educational than many classroom dnlFand-practice programs.
320 Computer Scrabble by Joseph J Roehrig / Give your computer a vocabulary and challenge it to a fascinating game of micro-Scrabble
352 Generating Programs Automatically by
Jacob R Jacobs / Three utility programs help write the Applesoft BASIC program for you.
366 BYTE’s Cumulative Index prepared by Microcomputer Information Services I Our six-year cumulative index will put an end to your random searches through past issues of BYTE for that specific article.
Online Information Retrieval: Promise and
Problems by Steven K Roberts / The public must be convinced that online databases provide efficiency, economy, and convenience
474 HandhWrlter, A Video Note Pad for the Physically Handicapped by Howard Batie/How to turn the TRS-80 into a communications device for severely handicapped persons.
24 Robotwar by Curtis Feigel
74 BYTE’s Arcade: Olympic Decathlon by David A Kater; Missile Defense vs ABM by Robert Moskowitz; Gorgon by Peter V Callamaras. CommOat: A Tele-Game for Two by George Stewart
108 afphaSyntauri Music Synthesizer by Steve Levine and Bill Mauchly
163 Battle of the Asteroids by Gregg Williams
304 PascaLBO by Rowland Archer
486 Starfighter by Eric Grammer
6 Editorial: New Games. New Directions
14 Letters
22, 132 BYTE’s Bits
132, 483 Book Reviews: AIM 65 Laboratory Manual and Study Guide: Apple Machine Language
252 Ask BYTE
278 System Notes: The Game of Left/Right
302 BYTE Game Contest
462 Event Queue
465 Books Received
466 Clubs and Newsletters
467 Software Received
469 Technical Forum: Apple X10 Control
484 Languages Forum: APL Runs Circles
489 What’s New?
542 Unclassified Ads
543 Reader Service
544 BOMB. BOMB Results