Byte vol.6 №8 August 1981
14 Introducing the Smalltalk-80 System by Adele Goldberg / A readers’ guide to the Smalltalk articles in this issue.
36 The Smalltalk-80 System by the Xerox Learning Research Group I How message-sending objects are used in the Smalitalk-80 system.
50 Build a Z8-Based Control Computer with BASIC, Part 2 by Steve Ciarcia / Steve continues his description of the Z8-BASIC Microcomputer and suggests two applications.
74 Object-Oriented Software Systems by
David Robson / Object-oriented software systems provide the underlying design of Smalltalk.
90 The Smalltalk Environment by Larry
Tesler / Programming and debugging in Smalltalk are always interactive activities.
147 User-Oriented Descriptions of Smalltalk Systems by Trygve M H Reenskaug / A Smalltalk application program will limn the user’s access to the language 168 The Smalltalk Graphics Kernel by Daniel H H Ingalls / The Graphics Kernel provides the interface through which all text and graphics are displayed.
200 The Japanese Computer Invasion by Stan Miastkowski / Like it or not. the Japanese small computers are on their way.
230 Building Data Structures In the Smalltalk-80 System by James C Althoff Jr / Many kinds of data structures can be added easily to the Smalitalk-80 system
286 Design Principles Behind Smalltalk by Daniel H H Ingalls / The design principles of a language strongly affect its power and usability.
300 The Smalltalk-80 Virtual Machine by Glenn Krasner I The use of a Smalltalk-80 Virtual Machine allows the system to be transported easily among different 16-bit microprocessors
322 Building Control Structures In the Smalltalk-80 System by L Peter Deutsch I Design of complicated control structures is easy in the Smalltalk-80 language.
348 Is the Smalltalk-80 System for Children? by
Adele Goldberg and Joan Ross / Although Smalitalk-80 is not meant to be used by children, application programs can be written that will allow them to be creative and. at the same ome. learn about programming
369 ToolBox: A Smalltalk Illustration System by
William Bowman and Bob Flegal I The versatile Smalltalk-80 language can create an environment for graphics design that can be used by non technically oriented people.
378 Virtual Memory for an Object-Oriented
Language by Ted Kaehler / Virtual memory techniques must be used when the active memory space needed by a language is much larger than the amount of available memory.
398 Microsoft Editor/Assembler Plus by Keith Carlson
401 BOSS: A Debugging Utility for the TRS-80
Model I by Scott Mitchell
6 Editorial Smalltalk. A Language for the 1980s
30 Letters
197 BYTE’s Bits
392 BYTE’s Bugs
388 Ask BYTE
391 Books Received
391 Software Received
392 Clubs and Newsletters
394 Event Queue
402, 41 3 System Notes: Indirect I/O Addressing on the 8080. Aim-65 16-bit Hexadecimal to Decimal Conversion
404, 408, 414, 417, 418 Programming Quickies A Disk Catalog for the Eighties. Alpha-Beta Tree Search Convened to Assembler. Fast Line-Drawing Techniques; Word Uibnmarle; Binary-to-BCD Converter Program for the 8080
421 What’s New?
478 Unclassified Ads
479 Reader Service
480 BOMB. BOMB Results