Byte vol.6 №4 April 1981
20 Recurrence In Numerical Analysis by James J Davidson I Recurrence can be used to simplify the calculation of Bessel functions.
36 Build a Low-Cost Logic Analyzer by Steve Ciarcia I Turn your computer into a powerful diagnostic tool.
64 A-L BYTE Guide to The National Computer Conference and Chicago / Up-to-date information on the conference, the city, and much more.
66 Digital Minicassette Controller by James Kahn / Use an intelligent peripheral controller to lighten the load on your computer system.
102 Programming the Game of Go by Jonathan K Millen / Even though Go is much harder than chess, a microcomputer Go program can produce surprisingly good play.
122 Build Your Own Turing Machine by James Willis / Three different practical versions of this theoretical tool produce the same output.
150 A Closer Look at the Tl Speak & Spell by Peter Vernon / The author expands on Michael Rigsby’s September 1980 BYTE article.
218 An Introduction to Data Compression by Harold Corbin I Information can be transmitted and stored using fewer data bits by appropriate techniques.
252 Build an Intercomputer Data Link
by Mike Wingfield I Using this software, systems based on the 6800 microprocessor can communicate with other systems.
290 Three-Dimensional Computer Graphics, Part 2 by Franklin C Crow I Software to display solid objects without hidden lines and surfaces.
348 PADDLES: Interfacing with Modular Breadboards by Roger J Combs and Paul Field I Designing and implementing breadboard circuits is greatly eased with the use of these standardized modules.
46 The MicroAce Computer by Delmar Searis
94 A Reformatter for CP/M and IBM Floppy Disks by John Lehman
188 Three Versions of APL by Gregg Williams
6 Editorial: Future Trends in Personal Computing
10, 302 BYTE’s Bugs
12 Letters
32, 34 Programming Quickies: Apple Name-Address. A Graphic Execution Display
98, 304, 310, 314 Technical Forum: MicroShakespeare Revisited or Kilobard; An ADM-3 Emulator for the Hazeltine 1500; Challenger Writes on Comprinc On the Use of Fourier Transforms to Explore Biological Rhythms
148 System Notes A Relocatable Bootstrap for me Tarbell Disk Controller
158 Oubs and Newsletters
186 Cartoon
328 Ask BYTE
332 Event Queue
338 Books Rece.ved
344 Software Received
345 BYTE’s Bits
359 What’s New7
414 Unclassified Ads
415 BOMB. BOMB Results
416 Reader Service