Byte vol.12 №7 July 1987
Beyond Macro Processing by Bill Gates……………………………11
A strategy for customizing applications software.
The Application Program Interface……………………………….19
by Steven R. Boye and Philippe Kahn
The SideKick Plus kernel, a proposed TSR standard.
The Network-Model DBMS by David Kruglinski……………………….25
A powerful alternative to the relational-model database management system.
Dark Horse Applications by Ezra Shapiro………………………….33
A handful of unusual or unknown programs for MS-DOS computers.
The Promise of Application Software……………………………..37
by Oliver L. Picher, Cynthia R. Lubrano, and Rochelle Theophano
Trends for the future of productivity programs.
Designing Modern Accounting Software by Gary W. Hedge……………..47
An analysis of key features determining the cost and quality of accounting software.
Word Processors by Phillip Robinson……………………………..55
The top seven—three for the Macintosh and four for the IBM PC.
Spreadsheets by Rich Malloy…………………………………….69
This new crop of programs offers multidimensionality and natural language.
Database Managers by Charles Spezzano……………………………77
A sample of the latest products for MS-DOS and the Mac.
Communications by Brock N. Meeks………………………………..91
A dozen top performers with a variety of features.
RAM-Resident Utilities by Jon Edwards……………………………103
You can piece together a system that combines all the features you need.
Editorial Index by Company…………………………………….129
From BIX…………………………………………………… 118
From BYTEnet……………………………………….(617) 961-9764
On Disk…………………………………………….see card after 80
In Print……………………………………………see card after 80