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Byte vol.12 №9 September 1987

Category: Byte
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The New Generation: Under the Covers……….101
by Steve Ciarcia
The new IBM PS/2 Micro Channel as seen from inside the Model 50.
The New Generation: Head to Head………….113
by G. Michael Vose, David Betz, and Jane Morrill Tazelaar
In the ring this month: The IBM PS/2 Model 80 and the Macintosh II.
Ciarcia’s Circuit Cellar:
Using the ImageWise Video Digitizer,
Part 2: Colorization…………………………117
by Steve Ciarcia
Snow White gets a new outfit.
Programming Project: Creating Fractals…………123
by William A. McWorterJr. and Jane Morrill Tazelaar Seeing a completed drawing can’t compare to the thrill of watching it being drawn.
Inside the 82786 Graphics Chip………………..135
by Bill Nicholls
The Intel 82786 graphics chip provides another way to expand the performance and life span of your current system.
THEME: Prolog
A Prolog Primer…………………………………147
by William Clocksin
An introduction and tutorial by the author of the first textbook on the popular logic programming language.
Simulating a Microprocessor………………….161
by Alex Lane
A versatile 8085 simulator written in Arity/Prolog.
Constraint Logic Programming…………………171
by Catherine Lassez
Using constraint solving to provide a general framework for developing more powerfill logic programming languages.
Opening the Prolog III Universe………………177
by Alain Colmerauer
This powerful new version of Prolog fundamentally reshapes the original language.
Logic Grammars……………………………..185
by Stan Szpakowicz
Explore this Prolog notation by building a compiler for a hypothetical programming language.
Reviewer’s Notebook…………………………198
by Cathryn Baskin
The Macintosh SE……………………………201
by Laurence H. Loeb
Performance, expandable hardware, transportability, and more.
Two High-Performance PC AT Compatibles………..207
by John Unger
Two 10-MHz 80286 machines with large expansion capacities.
80386 Accelerator Boards…………………….213
by Donald Evan Crabb
These boards can improve a PC AT’s performance by 2 to 2 ‘A times.
Macintosh C Compilers Revisited………………219
by Joel West
Offerings from Consulair, Manx, Think Technologies, and Spectra Micro Development.

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