Byte vol.12 №14 1987
67 What’s New
97 Short Takes
Toshiba PageLaserl2
Lahey Personal FORTRAN 77
PC-Elevator 386
The Complete Answering Machine
Awesome I/O Card
MacScheme + Toolsmith
First Impressions
109 HyperCard by Gregg Williams Become your own Mac programmer,
120 New Generation: Fast Math
by Tom Thompson
A comparison between the new Motorola 68882 and the current 68881.
124 High-Speed Memory Boards for ATs
by Barry Nance
Upgrade your AT’smemory without downgrading performance.
133 BIX Product Focus:
Memory-Expansion Boards for the IBM PC AT
by Curtis Franklin Jr.
Subtle considerations to bear in mind when planning a memory upgrade.
141 The PC’s Limited 386“ by Mark L. Van Name A PC AT-compatible that’s built for speed.
145 The Zenith Z-183 by John Unger Zenith’s latest laptop is better than others, but not the best.
153 Atari’s Mega 4 by Jim Kent
This 4-megabyte machine is a new version of the ST.
161 Three Accelerator Boards for the Macintosh Plus by Chris Crawford Hardware add-ons that significantly boost
165 Saba Handscan by John McCormick A hand-held text scanner for use with IBM PC programs.
169 Three PC-based Desktop-Publishing Programs
by James Cavuoto
PageMaker, Ventura Publisher, and GEM Desktop Publisher.
178 FastCAD 1.10 by Phillip Robinson Computer-aided design for the IBM PC and compatibles.
180 Carbon Copy Plus by Rusel DeMaria
A comprehensive telecommunications software package.
185 Marshal Pascal and Pascal-2
by Mark Bridger
Two compilers that offer more power than Turbo Pascal 3.0.
190 SCO Xenix 386 by Edwin J. Lau Unix for 80386-based personal computers.
199 Computing at Chaos Manor: The Old Shell Game
by Jerry Poumelle
Looks at Zenith’s eaZy PC and Mannesmann Tally’s MT-910 laser printer.
215 Applications Only: Holiday Cheer
by Ezra Shapiro
Looking for fun, our man falls in love and replaces his old rodent.
223 IN DEPTH: Natural Language
224 Introduction
225 Natural-Language Processing
by Klaus K. Obermeier
A look at the various approaches used in this area of artificial intelligence.
233 Natural-Language Resource Guide