Byte vol.11 №9 September 1986
Introduction…………………………………………………………. 82
Product Preview: LabVIEW:
Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench by G. Michael Vose and Gregg Williams……..4……♦ ♦…….♦ ♦ >…….. 84
Scientists and engineers can use the Macintosh as a general-purpose laboratory tool by creating virtual instruments.
Garcias Circuit Cellar: Build a Hardware Data Encryptor by Steve Ciarcia……..97
This easy-tobuild device is extremely difficult to crack
Programming Project: Calculating CRCs by Bits and Bytes by Greg Morse………..114
Use the XOR function to implement modulo 2 division when calculating cyclic redundancy checks
Programming Insight: Breaking Out by Edward Batutis……………………….127
BREAKPT provides the IBM PC DOS DEBUG program with a break-out switch.
Keyed File Access in BASIC by Stephen C Perry…………………………….137
If maintaining data on disk is a problem for you. these BASIC routines may be the solution
Real Time Under Real Pascal by Mmes Feldman………………………………145
A look at two ways to interface a machine language routine to Pascal
68000 Trips and Traps by Mike Morton……………………………………..163
Programming in assembly language will help you exploit the 68000 to the fullest.
by Andrew L Rood. Robert C. Cline, and Jon A. Brewster…………………….179
The powerful yet simple programmer s model offered by rhe 68000 s architecture makes UNIX implementation easy
A Comparison of MC68000 Family Processors by Thomas L Johnson………………205
High levels of hardware and software compatibility distinguish the five members of this family
Atari ST Software Development by Michael Rothman………………………….223
A programmer surveys TOS operating system and how the 68000 influences it.
Amiga Animation by Elaine A. Ditton and Richard A. Difton………………….241
An exploration of (he exciting possibilities for animation on the Amiga.
Amiga vs. Macintosh by Adam Broofc Webber………………………………..249
A comparison of the system calls on two 68000-based machines reveals one as rhe clear winner.