Byte vol.11 №3 March 1986
Product Preview; The Atari 1040ST by Phillip Robinson and Ion R. Edwards…..84
Wo BYTE editors take a look at Atari’s new $999 I-megabyte machine
Finding the Titanic by Marti Spalding and Ben Dawson…………………….96
After 73 years, the wreck of the R.M.S. Titanic was discovered with help fom the latest in image-processing equipment.
Ciarcias Circuit Cellar: Real-Time Clocks: A View Toward the Future
by Steve Ciarcia……………………………………………………112
Steve presents two reakime clocks, one of which also provides nonvolatile RAM.
Programming Project A Simple Windowing System, Part 1: Basic Principles by Bruce Wefcter……………………………………………………128
Bruce examines the problems involved in opening a window.
An ANSI Standard for the C Language by Steve A. Hersee and Dan Knopoff…….135
ANSI has set up a standardization committee to develop a universal set of rules for this popular language.
Programming Insight. Macintosh Explorer by Olav Andrade…………………145
This disassembler, which translates machine code to human-readable mnemonics, was written in Microsoft BASIC for Apples Macintosh.
Working at Home with Computers by lane Morrill Tazelaar…………………155
For some telecommuting is a choice; for others. It Is the only option.
Using Images to Generate Speech by Bruce R. Baker………………………160
Semantic compaction lets speech-impaired people communicate quickly and effectively in a variety of environments.
The Electronic University Network by Donna Osgood………………………171
Get a degree without ever leaving your computer.
The Technology of the Kurzweil Voice Writer by Raymond Kurzweil………….177
The present office system provides a clue to future applications for the deaf.
Increasing Independence for the Aging by K. G. Engelhardt and Roger Edwards..191
Robotic aids and smart technology can help us age less dependently.
Computing for the Blind User by Aries Arditi and Arthur E. Gillman……….199
Some special human factors must be considered in assembling a workable system.
Reviewers Notebook by Glenn Hartwig…………………………………..215
Kaypro 2861 by Harry Krause………………………………………….217
An AT clone with a lower price.
Modula-2 System for Z80 CP/M by Brian R. Anderson………………………………..225
Hochstrassers system supports most features as defined by Niklaus Wirth.
Pocket APL by Eric H. Johnson………………………………………………….237
STSC’s inexpensive implementation.
Arity/Prolog by William G. Wong………………………………………………..245
A version for MS-DOS machines.
Braille-Edit by Henry Brugsh…………………………………………………..251
Raised Dot’s talking word processor.
Printit by Henry Brugsch and Joseph J. iazzaro…………………………………..261
A card that lets you print anything on an Apple II screen. Review Feedback………………………………………………………………265
Readers respond to previous reviews.
Computing at Chaos Manor: All Sorts of Software by Jerry Pournelle………………….269
Jerry survives his BIX party and spends a busy month looking at new software.
Chaos Manor Mail conducted by Jerry Pournelle ……………………………………293
Jerry’s readers write and he replies.
Applications Only: First in a Series by Ezra Shapiro………………………………297
In this new column Ezra examines four software products.
According to Webster: 68000 Wars: Round I by Bruce Webster…………………………305
Bruce begins his comparison of the three prominent 68000 computers.
Byte Japan: A New Language and a Laptop by William M. Raike………………………..327
Bill looks at an all-lapanese programming language called Mind and at the Fujitsu FM-!6r.
BYTE U.K.: The Amstrad PCW 8256 by Dick Pountain………………………………….333
This new. completely functional. 7.80-based computer and word processor from the U.K. costs less than most electric typewriters.
Mathematical Recreations: Diophantine Equations by Robert T. Kurosaka………………343
Who was Diophantus? Here’s one way to find out.
Circuit Cellar Feedback conducted by Steve Ciarcia………………………………..354
Steve answers project-related queries from readers.
Wishes for Spring: A Wider Circle .. 6
Letters ………………….. 14
Fixes and Updates……………33
Whats New……………….37, 399
Ask BYTE……………………44
Clubs and Newsletters………..54
Book Reviews…………………57
Event Queue………………….78
Disks and Downloads………….358
Best of BIX…………………367
Unclassified Ads…………….461
BYTE’s Ongoing Monitor Box.
BOMB Results…………………462
Reader Service………………..463