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Byte vol.11 №6 June 1986

Category: Byte
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Product Description: The Macintosh Plus by Phillip Robinson…………85
The enhanced Mac offers double-sided drives, an SCSI interface a megabyte of RAM. and more.
Programming Project: A Simple File-Indexing Scheme
by Bruce Webster ………………………………………………92 An easy-toimplement technique for maintaining a sorted file
Ciarcia s Circuit Cellar: Adding SCSI to the SB 180 Computer.
Part 2: Bus Phases by Steve Ciarcia……………………………..107
Steve explains how the SCSI’s bus phases are managed by the NCR 5380 chip
Sorting ProDOS Directories by Antonio C Silvestri…………………117
Written In Applesoft BASIC this program Is designed to eliminate long catalog searches
Decoding MacPaint on the IBM PC by Mark Knacker…………………..131
A Pascal program to transfer, decode and manipulate graphics.
Programming Insight: Hilbert Curves Made Simple
by Michael Ackerman …………………………………………… 137 Produce this elegant curve with a one-subroutine BASIC program.
The Challenge of Music Software by Roger Powell……………………………..145
A professional musician describes the current status of computers in musk:.
Digital Music Synthesis by Robert A. Moog…………………………………..155
An overview of (he general attributes of musical sound and how to produce It.
Digital Sampling on the Apple Macintosh by Christopher Yavelow………………..171
Some insight Into digital synthesis and glimpses of available software Musical Fractals by Charles Dodge and Curtis R. BaAn ………………………..185
How to use fractal geometry to generate musical fractals.
A MIDI Project by lay Kubicky………………………………………….. 199
This MID) interface with software for the IBM PC costs less than $200.
MIDI Programming by Donald Swearingen …………………………….211 lUrbo Pascal software tools for processing MIDI data stream Information.

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