Byte vol.11 №1 January 1986
Introduction .. .82
Product Description: The Atari 520ST
by Jon R. Edwards. Phillip Robinson, and Brenda McLzw^lifl . 84
The company’s latest venture is a competitive 68000 system
Ciarcia s Circuit Cellar: Build an Analogto Digital Converter by Sieve Ciarcia……………………………………………………….. 104
Steve returns to this topic with a state-of-the-art converter
Product Preview: Q&A by Ion R Edwards . 120
This software package combines word processing and file management with a full macro facility and an effective natural-language interface
Programming Project A SIMPL Compiler.
Part 2: Procedures and Functions by lonotfian Amsterdam ……..130
Procedures and functions are useful but can be difficult to compile
Creating Reusable Modules by Namir Clement Shammas…………………………. 145
You can lower programming costs and increase reliability with the strategy describi
Programming Insight Easy 3-D Graphics by Henning Mittelbach………. .153
Develop three-dimensional graphics on the IBM Personal Computer, the Macintosh.
and the Apple II family.
Machine Vision by Phil Dun&ar. . 161
Respite various obstacles, vision-system hardware contin
Robotic Tactile Sensing by Kirfc E. Pennywitt.. .177
‘or robots to achieve widespread use. they must be equipped with sophisticated sensory :apabilities
Multiple Robotic Manipulators
iy J. Scott Hawker. R. N. Nagel. Richard Roberts, and Nicholas G Odrey…………203
Coordinating two robots isn’t as easy as it sounds
Xutonomous Robot Navigation
>y Charles Jorgensen. William Hamel, and Charles Weisbin …………………….223
*hree robotics researchers discuss the art of teaching robots to look before they leap
XI in Computer Vision by John L. Cuadrado and Clara Y. Cuadrado…… ……..237
X simple system demonstrates the role artificial intelligence may play in advanced .(jiiipuiei-vibiwii systems.
Automation in Organic Synthesis by Gary W. Kramer and Philip L. Fuchs. 263
f automation is to come to organic chemistry, it must be flexible enough o allow facile reconfigurations
Introduction . …….288
Reviewer s Notebook by Glenn Hartwig .291
Canon s A-200 by Peler V. Callamaras ……………………………………… 293
It’s compatible with IBM’s PC. and it has room tc
Color Fox by John D. Unger………………………………………………….301
Scottsdale Systems soups up a Sanyo.
Eco-C88 C Compiler by David D. Clark…………………………………………307
An inexpensive package for MS-DOS machines.
Inside The Sider by Douglas E. Hall …………………………………………319
A hard disk for the Apple 11+ and tie.
Advantage! for the AT by T| Byers……………………………………………327
One way to add memory and I/O ports.
Enable by Steve King……………………………………………………….331
integrated software for 18
Review Feedback……………………………………………………………344
Readers respond to previous reviews
Computing at Chaos Manor: One Minor Problem by Jerry Poumellt …………………..349
Hey. what’s one minor problem? Tline in and find out.
Chaos Manor Mail conducted by Jerry Pournelle………………………………….366
Jerry s readers write and he replies
According to Webster: Benchmarking by Bruce Webster…………………………….371
Finding himself settled in Utah. Bruce talks about benchmarks and mal
BYTE Japan: Favoring Kanji by William M. Rathe………………………………. .381
Bill reports on the NEC computers, a Japanese version of the Macintosh and the new Fujitsu lap-size portable
BYTE U.K.: The Acorn RISC Machine by Dick Pountain……………………………..387
Our U.K. correspondent reports on a commercial RISC processor.
Mathematical Recreations: Euclid s Algorithm by Robert T. Kurosaka……………….397
Learn how to convert repeating decimals to fractions.
Circuit Cellar Feedback conducted by Steve Ciarcia……………………………..403
Steve answers project-related queries from readers
A Threat to Future Software……6
Fixes and Up …………………33
Whats New………………….. 408
Ask BYTE……………………..44
Clubs and Newsletters………….54
Book Reviews………………….57
Event Queue…………………..78
New Services……………….. 404
Unclassified Ads……………..461
BYTE s Ongoing Monitx BOMB Results………………..462
Reader Service……………….463