Byte vol.11 №2 February 1986
Ciarcias Circuft Cel Video Multif
by Steve Ciarcia………………………………………………… 84
With AVMUX. Sieve is well on his way id an automated switching system
Programming Project A SIMPL Compiler. Part 3: Extensions by Jonathan Amsterdam …………………………..,………………102
This particular project concludes with a look at the design choices invc
Introduction to the Amiga ROM Kernel by Robert I. Mical………………116
Procedures and functions are useful but can be difficult to compile.
Visual Programming by Ropft Levien…………………………………135
Visual Syntax is an editor for LISP that displays programs as pictures.
Programming Insight Molecules in Color by lo/tn I. Farrell……………149
COLOR3DBAS is a BASIC program for the IBM PC that displays molecules on an RGB monitor.
Programming Insight Badfile: CP/M System Programming in C by Louis Baker…………………………………………………..157
This utility supplies the names and locations of fies containing bad sectors or tracks
Introduction………………………………………………………….. 166
Computer Science Considerations conducted by G. Michael Vose and Gregg Williams…………………………….. 169
Donald Knuth speaks on his involvement with digital typography
Processing Strings in SNOBOL4 by James F. Gimpel………………………………175
This artide presents examples of the language s pattern-matching capabiities
Interpretation of Natural Language by Jordan Pollack and David L. Waltz…………………………………………189
The authors suggest a potential application of parallelism.
Typesetting Problem Scripts by Pierre A. MacKay……………………………….201
Computer typesetting provides a solution for Arabic and simi
Poetry Processing by Michael Newman………………………………………….221
The concept of artistic freettom takes on new meaning when text processing handles the mundane tasks of prosody.
The Literary Detective by Jim Tankard………………………………………..231
Use your computer id identify an unknown author.
Keyboard Efficiency by Donald W. Olson and Laurie E. Jasinski…………………..241
Is the Dorak layout worth learning?