Byte vol.11 №12 December 1986
Product Preview: The Compaq Deskpro 386
by Tbm Thompson and Dennis Allen …………………………………… 84 A high-performance PC AT-compatible system based on Intel’s 80386.
Product Preview: Lotus Manuscript^ Georye A. Stewart……………………91
Designed for scientists and engineers, this technical word processor is worth looking into.
Ciarcias Circuft Cellar: Build the GT180 Color Graphics Board. Part I: Basic Technology by Steve Ciarcia…………………………….105
Tb achieve inexpensive PGA resolution on the SBI80. Steve designed the GTI80 project using Hitachi’s advanced CRT controller and Borland’s Graphix ’toolbox.
Programming Insight: Extracting the nth Root from a Binary Number by Liu Siu ……………………………………………………….115
A general algorithm developed for extracting any real root from a binary number.
Programming Insight: Passing Filenames to Compiled BASIC by Bruce Hufanfo .. 119 An assembly language subroutine retrieves the command-line text for a compiled BASIC program.
Memory Management Units for 68000 Architectures by Gregg Zehr…………..127
A look at currentlv available MMUs and design ootions that soeed uo memorv management.
“Inding Rules in Data by Beverly Thompson and ‘William Thompson ………………..149
rhe ID3 algorithm lets you obtain knowledge directly from a set of data.
X Bit-Mapped Classifier by Peter W. Frey……………………………………..161
“his unconventional exnert system is based on nattem recognition.
Predicting International Events by Philip A. Schrodt…………………………..177
Modeling political knowledge and making short-term forecasts with a Holland classifier.
Handung Conflicts in Data by Clara Y. Cuadrado and John L. Cuadrado……………..193
A decision support system in Prolog helps managers make the right choice.
The Art of Deduction by J.-C EmonJ and A. Paulissen……………………………207
Watson, an Al program in Prolog, plays the mystery game CLUEDO.
Rul&based Programming by Leonard Moskowitz……………………………………217
A look at OPS5. the production-system language popular with Al researchers.
Machine Learning by Angelos T. KMouris……………………………………….225
“teaching computers to leam with a language that grows.