Byte vol.11 №4 April 1986
Garcias Crcuit Cellar: Computer On Guard! by Sieve Ciarcia……………………84
Steve has an adventure in the moonlight.
Programming Project: A Simple Windowing System.
Part 2: Implementation
by Bruce Webier………………………………………………………….96
Learn how to dose a window and see part of an actual implementation.
Build the Emulo-8 by Stuart R. Ball……………………………………….105
This device lets you develop EPROM programs in RAM.
Making UNIX Secure Alan Filippi and lames Hanfeo……………………………113
The authors examine specific security-related features of UNIX and discuss countermeasures to known methods of attack by crackers.
Data Design by Leonard Shapiro……………………………………………129
The structure of data files is almost as important as their contents.
Programming Insight DRAGON by Bruce R. Land………………………………..137
Using MacFORTH. this program produces a recursive drawing of a dragon curve on the Macintosh.
A Microbased Supercomputer by Norman H. Christ and Anthony E. Terrano ……. 145 A unique combination of microcomputer parts yields supercomputer processing power.
Computer Approximations by Stephen L. Moshier…………………………161
Optimize speed and precision in your computations
The Inversion of Large Matrices by Thomas E. Phipps |r…………………181
The Pan and Reif approach removes all limits except those set by available time and RAM.
The Runge-Kutta Methods by Benku Thomas………………………,……..191
The author shows us ways to approximate solutions to ordinary differentia) equations.
The ATOMCC Toolbox by Y. E Chang…………………………………….215
ATOMCC uses ISylor series to solve ordinary differential equations.