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Byte vol.11 №7 July 1986

Category: Byte
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Introduction .»………………………………………………………. 82
CtARGA’s Circuit Cellar: Parallel Interfacing:
A Tutorial Discussion. Part 1: Basics by Steve Ciarcia…………… …..x……………………………………. 85
Steve reintroduces parallel Interfacing, concentrating on application examples.
Programming Project: Build a Spreadsheet Program by Jowitfan Amsterdam ,,. .96
Some interesting design considerations make for a challenging project
Programming Insight: Anagram Solving in Pascal by Bob Keefer………………….113
How do you turn aritaticw into intadcate? ANAGRAM.PAS uses a probability table
The Definicon 68020 Coprocessor.
Part 1: The Hardware and Operating System by Trevor Marshall. Christopher lones. and Si# Kluger………………………..120
This plug-in board prwktes 32-bfc computing power and math processing for IBM PCs and compatibles.
Engineering on a Micro by Chris Pedidni………………………….»………..145
A walk through Truss2. a BASIC program that assists engineers In the designing cd truss-type structures.

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