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Byte vol.10 №9 September 1985

Category: Byte
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Ciarcia s Circuit Cellar: Build the SB 180 Single-Board Computer. Part 1: The Hardware by Steve Ciarcia………………………………….86
The SBI80 Is the 29-chip equivalent of a large S-100 system.
Programming Project An Analysis of Sorts by Jonathan Amsterdam ………….104
This article analyzes the efficiency of three sorting algorithms.
The DSI-32 Coprocessor Board. Part 2: The Software
by D-evor G. Marshall. George Scolaro. David L. Rand. Tbm King, and Vincent P. Williams … 116 The software environment for the DSI board lets It run both UNIX and MS-DOS applications.
An Algorithm for Disk Caching with Limited Memory by Brian McKeon…………129
Several C routines execute an algorithm for efficient disk buffering In a limited memory space.
Astrophysical Number Crunching by A. G. W. Cameron …………………….141
A Harvard astronomy professor reminisces about the various computers he’s used since the fifties.
Two Generalized Floating-Point Representations by David Salomon………… 154 Partitioned and variable-base representations are the two designs proposed here.
Turbo Pascal Drives the Mouse by |o/tn Figueras………………………..161
The procedure described lets you use the Microsoft Mouse with Borland’s Pascal.
IBM Compatibility for the NEC APC III by Herbert Stein………………….171
An operating-system patch and a few other alterations give the NEC APC III clone status.
Programming Insight Build a Travesty Tree by Peter Wayner……………….183
A tree data structure speeds up travesty generation.
Programming Insight Printing Pascal Graphics by Kelly W. Davis…………..193
Dump Apple Pascal graphics to any Epson MX-series printer.
EGO: A Homebuilt CPU, Part I: The Software by Clifford. Kelley…………..229
The first in this two-part series covers the instruction set and software aspects of the EGO computer.
The Quarter Meg Atari 800XL by Claus Buchholz………………………….247
Upgrade your 8-bit microprocessor to 256K bytes and add a RAM disk.
A Parallel-to-Serial Printer Port Adapter by Howard Austerlitz ………….257
With this 535 adapter you can use your parallel port for serial devices.
Add Function Keys to Your Microcomputer by Mark Hanslip ………………..263
Expand your parallel keyboard.
Reviewer s Notebook by Glenn Hartwig…………………………………..275
The Kaypro 16 by Steve McMahon………………………………………..276
A transportable IBM PC- and PC XTcompatible.
The Osborne 3 by Donna Osgood…………………………………………284
A 12-pound system based on the 80C86.
WordStar 2000 by Malcolm C. Rubel……………………………………….291
MicroPro makes changes to its classic.
XyWrite II Plus by Rubin Rabinovitz……………………………………..297
A word processor written by some of the designers of Atex. with macro routines and programming capability.
Filevision by Scott L Norman …………………………………………..305
Data management with an emphasis on graphics.
DB Master for the Macintosh by Jeffrey M. Jacques…………………………311
Stoneware s database manager on another Apple.
Paradise Modular Graphics Card by Harry Krause……………………………321
A graphics board for color and monochrome monitors. The RAMDISK-64 by Warren Block………………………………………….325
Speed for the Commodore
Keyport 717 by David L. Salahi………………………………………….331
A programmable keyboard for the Apple II line. Review Feedback……………………………………………………….335
Readers respond to previous reviews.
Computing at Chaos Manor: PCs. Peripherals Programs, and People by Jerry Pournelle……………………………………..347
A new spreadsheet for the Mac prompts lerry to look at the concept of integrated software.
Chaos Manor Mail conducted by Jerry Pournelle ……………………………….382
lerry s readers write and he replies.
BYTE U.K.: Seventh Anniversary of Microcomputing by Did Pountain……………….385
Our U.K. correspondent brings us a brief history of computing in Great Britain.
BYTE Japan: A History of Japan s Microcomputers by William M. Raike…………….395
Bill takes a look at the progress of microcomputing from his part of the world.
According to Webster: West Coast Faire. Mac Stuff, and the Amiga by Bruce Webster……………………………………………..401
A trip to the West Coast Computer Faire highlights Bruces month.
Mathematical Recreations: x, e, and All That by Robert T. Kurosaka……………..409
This month s column looks at transcendental numbers
Circuit Cellar Feedback conducted by Steve Ciarcia …………………………..416
Steve answers project-related queries from readers. BYTELINES conducted by Sol Libes……………………………………………418
News and speculation about personal computers.
Clubs & Newsletters……………..54
6 Book Reviews…………………….57
9 Event Queue……………………..80
14 Unclassified Ads………………..485
• • • •33 BYTE’s Ongoing Monitor Box.
37. 431 BOMB Results………………………….486
.44 Reader Service………………………487
Editorial: Ten Good Years……………
Letters …………………
Fixes and Updates…………
Whats New ……………….
Ask BYTE…………………

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