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Byte vol.10 №10 October 1985

Category: Byte
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Ciarcias Circuit Cellar: Build the SB180 Single Board Computer.
Part 2: The Software by Steve Garcia………………………………………86
The SBI8O proiect concludes with a look at the Z-System operating system
ECO: A Homebuilt CPU Part 2: The Hardware by Clifford Ke/tey………………..101
The conclusion ol this series explains how the EGO’S processor hardware decodes and executes instructions
Programming Project: Building a Computer in Software
by lonathan Amsterdam…………………………………………………..112
This project involves designing a computer a virtual machine that ts ideally suited to the high-level language you want to implement
Skycam: An Aerial Robotic Camera System by Lawrence L Cone………………….122
An MC68000-based Stride controls the movement of this aerial camera
Programming Insight: Simulating the Normal Distribution by Arthur C. Hansen…………………………………………………….137
The author presents a BASIC routine for bell curve sampling
Programming Insight: IBM PC Joystick Control Using Turbo Pascal
by lames P. McAdams…………………………………………………….143
This program will give you access to two joysticks and four push buttons via the IBM Game Control Adapter
Reviewers Notebook by Glenn Hartwig…………………………………..257
The Ericsson Personal Computer by lohn D. Unger………………………..258
An IBM PC-compatible highlighting ergonomic design
The Stearns Desktop Computer by Wayne Rash If………………………… 264
An 8-MHz IBM PC-compatible with optional 15-inch monitor
The Portable STM Personal Computer by R leyaraman 270
A 17-pounder with built-in modem speaker phone and thermal printer BetterBASIC by Art Huston……………………………………………277
A compiled BASIC with access to a full MOK bytes TLC-LISP by William G. Wong………………………………………….287
An implementation for 8086’8088-based machines
GPSS/PC by Zaven A Karian……………………………………………295
Software for simulating discrete events
The Toshiba P1340 Printer by Rich Malloy………………………….305 A high-density dot-matrix machine
Review Feedback ……………………………………………………310
Readers respond to previous reviews
Why Models Go Wrong by Tbm R. Houston………………………………………151
You must take care in applying the principles of logic statistics and measurement
The Problem of Overfitting Data by Wallace E. Larimore and Haman K. Mfhra…………………………………..167
The mathematical model described balances the number of parameters and the degree of lit
Testing Large-Scale Simulations fry Of is F Bryan |r and Michael C Natrd/a …………………………………183
The authors discuss using a discrete simulation language to develop large programs
Analyzing Government Policies by Ross M. Miller and Alexander S Kelso Jr………………………………….199
A computer spreadsheet can help assess the impact of a major government policy decision
Simulating the Arms Race by Michael D. Ward…………………………………213
In this model military competition is based on weapons stockpiles EPIAID by Andrew G. Dean………………………………………………….225
This series of programs helps construct models of disease from real-world epidemics Predicting Arson by Royer Cook…………………………………………….239
Micros become a new weapon in the fight against arson
Fighting Fire with Technology by Bruce Dillenbeck……………………………249
Computing at Chaos Manor: The Lord of the Manor Moves Upstairs by lerry Pournelle………………………………………………………..315
The construction is finished, and he has a best-seller-all s right with terry’s world
Chaos Manor Mail conducted by lerry Pournelle…………………………….343
lerry s readers write and he replies
According to Webster: Commodore s Coup by Bruce Webster……………………….347
Bruce takes a look at the Amiga and more Macintosh products BYTE U.K.: Computers As Consultants by Dick Pountain………………………….367
Dick introduces Tess and Expert-Ease two expen-system shells from the U K
BYTE Japan: The Tokyo Microcomputer Show by William M. Raike…………………..381
Bill reports on two new NEC personal computers ASCII Corporations 286 XENIX System V and several other products he saw at the show
Circuit Cellar Feedback conducted by Steve Ciarcia………………………….. 388
Steve answers protect-related queries from readers
Building BIX with Micros ……..6
Fixes and Updates……………..33
Whats New…………………37, 395
Clubs and Newsletters…………54
Book Reviews…………………57
Event Queue………………….80
Unclassified Ads…………….453
BYTE s Ongoing Monitor Box BOMB Results………………..454

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