Byte vol.10 №2 Febrary 1985
The HP Integral Personal Computer by Phillip Robinson………………………98
Hewlett-Packard’s new all-in-one system makes UNIX truly portable.
Ciarcia’s Circuit Cellar: Build a Serial EPROM Programmer by Steve Ciarcia………………………………………………………104
Steve devises an affordable version of an essentia! tool for hackers.
The Macintosh Office by John Markoff and Phillip Robinson………………….120
Appldfelk networks the Macintosh and Its new laser printer.
C to Pascal by led Carnevale……………………………………………138
This program can make the conversion process less tedious.
Simulate a Servo System by Don Stauffer………………………………….147
Mode) complex engineering problems on personal computers.
Introduction to Image Processing by Jeffrey L. Star……………………….163
Manipulate images to make them more informative
The Birth of a Computer conducted by John C NasA………………………….177
In this interview. James H. Wilkinson discusses the building of a computer designed by Alan TUring.
A LowCost Data Acquisition System by Kiyohisa Okamura and Kamyab Aghai-Tabriz………………………………199
A compromise between cost and quality, this system is adequate for many research protects.
Fourier Smoothing Without the Fast Fourier Transform by Eric E. Aubanel and Keith B. Oldham…………………………………..207
The authors present an in-depth look at a technique for removing noise from your data
Paranoia: A Floating-Point Benchmark by Richard Karpinski …………………223
■fest the quality of your software, not just its speed.
Modeling Mass-Action Kinetics by Alan Curtis……………………………..239
In the future microcomputers may have a substantial role in major scientific computations.
Viewing Molecules with the Macintosh by Earl J. Kirkland…………………..251
A BASIC program provides 3-D images of complex molecules.
Laboratory Interfacing by Lincoln E. Ford. M.D……………………………263
A medical researcher examines the capabilities and limitations of an important laboratory device.
Interfacing for Data Acquisition by Tftomos R. Clune………………………269
Three interfaces are compared.
Reviewer s Notebook by Glenn Hartwig…………………………………….289
New Word by JoAm Heifoorn and Nanci Reel…………………………………291
A word processor from some of the creators of WordStar.
I anus/Ada by Mark J. Welch…………………………………………………295
A nonstandard subset of Ada for MS-DOS and CP/M-80.
The Epson Geneva PX-8 by Ridi Malfoy…………………………………………302
It weighs five pounds and features a CMOS Z80 microprocessor.
Two Modula-2 Compilers for the IBM PC by Kevin Bowyer………………………….3)1
Price is but one of the differences between these implementations.
E-Mail for the Masses by Wayne Ras/i Jr………………………………………317
Comparing two electronic-mail services. MCI Mail and EasyLink
Mannesmann Tally MT 160 by Marfe J. Welch…………………………………….325
A dot-matrix unit with a variety of print modes. Review Feedback……………………………………………………………331
Readers respond to previous reviews.
Computing at Chaos Manor: Troubles by Jerry Pournelle………………………….339
jerry’s usual look at a variety of products includes a section on the proliferation of computer books.
Chaos Manor Mail conducted by Jerry Pournelle…………………………………359
ferr/s readers write, and he replies.
BYTE Japan-. Disks and Printers by William M. Raike……………………………367
Our correspondent in lapan describes important new peripherals displayed at the 1984 Data Show. BYTE West Coast: What Next?
by John Markoff. Phillip Robinson, and Ezra Shapiro……………………………371
Our West Coast editors report on Thunderscan.
the ins and outs of windowing, new workstations, and more
BYTE UK.: Realizing a Dream by Dick Pountain………………………………….379
The Whitechapel Computer Works MG-I personal workstation is almost a dream computer—and it costs less than its competitors
Computers and Law: Copying Mas&Marketed Software by Robert Greene Sterne and Perry J. Saidman …………………………………387
This column debuts with a look at two Lotus lawsuits settled out of court.
Circuit Cellar Feedback conducted by Steve Ciarcia…………………………….393
Steve answers project-related queries from readers
Editorial: Service and Support……6
Fixes and Updates………………33
Whats New………………….39. 421
Ask BYTE………………………48
Clubs & Newsletters…………….59
Book Reviews…………………65
Event Queue………………….83
Programming Insight………….399
Books Received………………409
Unclassified ads…………….477
BYTE’s Ongoing Monitor Box.
BOMB Results…………………478
Reader Service………………..479