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Byte vol.10 №13 1985

Category: Byte
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Ciarcias Circuit Cellar: Turnkey Bulletin-Board System
by Steve Ciarcia………………………………………………………..93
Steve combii^es the SB180 computer and Xecom’s MOSART chip to produce a state-of-the-art system.
Programming Project: A S1MPL Compiler. Part 1: The Basics
by Jonathan Amsterdam……………………………………………………106
This is the first of a three-part series on the construction of a compiler for a high-level language
Product Description: The Tandy 600 and the Tandy 3000
by G. Michael Vose………………………………………………………118
A production version of the 600. an 80C88-based laptop machine, is examined.
as well as a prototype of the 3000. a clone of IBM’s PC AT.
English Recognition by Roy E. Kimbrell…………………………………… 125
English gives you a variety of ways to express complex actions with a minimum of program interaction.
Scientific Applications Software by John C Nasfi……………………………145
The author tells how to choose suitable scientific software.
Programming Insight: Virtual Fielding in Microsoft BASIC by C. R. J. Currie………………………………………………………155
Handle files with large record lengths on Microsoft BASIC systems.
Programming Insight: Travesty with Database by Neil J. Rubenking……………..161
This TUrbo Pascal travesty generator stores frequency Information in a database.
An Overview of Conferencing Systems by Brock N. Meeks……………………….169
The author presents a guided tour through COM. EIES. PARTI. NOTEPAD, and other systems Conferencing Standards by Jacob Palme……………………………………..187
The search for a universal conferencing standard continues.
Database Structure in PortaCOM by Jacob Palme………………………………195
The discussion focuses on the functions that affect database structure in computer conferencing systems
The Network Application Manager by Robert A. Flavin and Jack D. Williford……..203
You can put any application involving communications on a conferencing system.
Storage Architectures by Alastair J. W. Mayer………………………………221
The author of CoSy discusses the implications of storage architecture for conferencing systems.
Common Ground by Chris Hancock……………………………………………239
The user-friendliness of this microcomputer-based conferencing system derives from its easy-to-visualize functions
Local Power in a Remote Link by Chuck McManis………………………………251
Conferencing systems can let microcomputers handle much of the processing load.
Conversations by Douglas E. Comer and Jjirry L Peterson……………………..263
The authors discuss an alternative to memos and conferences.
Cross-System Conferencing with CLACR by Sherwin M. Lzvinson………………….273
Micros may offer a way to link systems and cut costs.
Reviewer s Notebook by Glenn Hartwig………………………………………….293
The AT&T PC 6300 by Bob Itoiano………………………………………………294
IBM PC compatibility, an 8086-2 processor, and graphics capability.
The Tandy 200 and the NEC PC-8401A by Harry Krause……………………………..306
Comparing wo under-S!000 laptops.
Golden Common LISP by Bruce DAmbrosio…………………………………………317
Gold Hill Computers’ implementation for microcomputers.
The Norton Utilities by Rufcin Rabinovilz……………………………………..323
Tools for recovering data and managing directories.
HyperDrive for the Macintosh by Gregg Williams…………………………………329
An add-in hard-disk drive holding 10 or 20 megabytes.
Upgrades for the TRS-80 Model 100 by Terry Kepner………………………………335
Equipment for expanding a portable
The IBM Proprinter by Ridt Malloy…………………………………………….343
A dot-matrix machine.
Panasonics 4-Color Graphic Penwriter by Jon R. Edwards………………………….351
An electronic typewriter, a printer, and a graph maker combined. Review Feedback…………………………………………………………….359
Readers respond to previous reviews
Computing at Chaos Manor: The European Connection by Jerry Pournelle …………..363
lerry tours the Continent but doesn’t forget about computers.
Chaos Manor Mail conducted by Jerry Pournelle ……………………………….383
Jerry’s readers write and he replies.
BYTE U.K.: The Torch Triple X by Dick Pountain……………………………….385
Dick introduces a new low-priced UNIX personal computer from Torch Ltd.
BYTE Japan: Computing in Taiwan by William M. Raife…………………………..397
Bill describes the new products he saw at the Computex ’85 computer show and more.
According to Webster: Microcomputer Color Graphics-Observations by Bruce Webster…………………….405
Bruce looks at the graphics systems on some popular microcomputers
Circuit Cellar Feedback conducted by Steve Ciarcia……………………………420
from readers
Clubs and Newsletters……………58
660 Book Reviews…………………….65
9 Event Queue……….. ……………86
…..14 Unclassified Ads…………………….. 477 33 BYTE’s Ongoing Monitor Box.
37, 429 BOMB Results………………………….478
… 48 Reader Service…………………..479
Steve answers project-related queries
New Services……………..
Letters …………………..
Fixes and Updates…………..
Whats New…………………
Ask BYTE…………………..

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