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Byte vol.10 №4 April 1985

Category: Byte
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Introduction……………………………………………… + 100
Ciarcias Circuit Cellar: Build the Home Run Control System, Part I: Introduction by Steve Ciarcia……………….. +………… . .102
Steve returns to the field of home control in this first part of a three-part series.
Coprocessing in Modula-2 by Colleen Roe Wilson………………………113
This method lets you cooperatively process information by interleaved execution on a single computer.
A Million-Point Graphics Tablet by lames Hawley……………………..120
Build a graphics pad for less than $200 using the KoalaPad for input.
Introduction……..,………………………………………….. 334
Reviewers Notebook by Glenn Hartwig………………………………..337
The ITT XTRA byJohn D. Unger ……………………………….. ….338
An IBM PC-compatible system with telecommunications softw;
1nsight-A Knowledge System by Bruce D’Ambrosio………………………345
Software to help’you build an expert system and learn about artificial intelligence.
Review Feedback ………………………………………………. 348
Readers respond to previous reviews.
Introduction………………………………………………………… .124
Communication with Alien Intelligence by Marvin Minsky……………………..126
It may not be as difficult as you would think.
The Quest to Understand Thinking
by Roger Schank and Larry Hunter… ……………………………………..143
It begins not with complex issues but with the most trivial of processes.
The LISP Tutor by John R. Anderson and Brian ). Reiser………….,…………159
The system described offers many of the advantages of a human tutor in teaching LISP programming.
PROUST by W. L^wis Johnson and Elliot Soloway …………………………….179
This LISP program automatically debugs the efforts of novice Pascal programmers.
Architectures for Al by Michael F. Deering………………………………..193
The right combination of hardware and software is necessary for efficient processing.
The LISP Revolution by Patrick H. Winston ……….. t ,………………… 209
The language is no longer limited to a lucky few.
The Challenge of Open Systems by Carl Hewitt …………………………… 223
Current logic programming methods may be insufficient for developing the intelligent systems of the future.
Vision by Daw H. Ballard and Christopher M. Brown ………..♦«.. ♦………….245
Technology is still being challenged to create reliable real-time vision systems.
Learning in Parallel Networks by Geoffrey E. Hinton…………………….. .265
The author presents two theories of how learning could occur in brain-like networks.
Connections by Jerome A Feldman …………….. ……………………….. 277
Massively parallel computational models may simulate intelligent behavior more closely than models based on sequential machines.
Reverse Engineering the Brain by John K. Stevens ………………………….286
Computing at Chaos Manor: Over the Moat by jerry Pournelle…………………….355
As construction workers descend on Chaos Manor. Jerry battles the flu 😮 look at more new items.
Zhaos Manor Mail conducted by Jerry Pournelle……………………………….373
erry’s readers write, and he replies.
BYTE West Coast. Lasers. Office Publishing, and More by John Markoff and
Phillip Robinson……………………………………………………….. 379
Dur W?st Coast editors report on Interleaf’s OPS-2000 and TPS-2000 and on FastFinder for the Macintosh.
BYTE U.K.: New Database Ideas by Dick Pountain……………………………….389
D.E.A.S. is a commercial database-generator package in which all data items ire related by a system of coordinates abstracted from the real world.
BYTE Japan: The Fifth Generation in Japan by William M. Raike………………….401
Dur Japan correspondent takes note of the International Conference
Fifth Generation Computer Systems, the new Hitachi supercomputer, and software development in the country.
Circuit Cellar Feedback conducted by Steve Ciarcia……………………………408
Steve answers project-related queries from readers.
lditorial: Golfers and Hackers………..6
Event Queue………………..83
Whats Not………………….96

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