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Byte vol.10 №12 December 1985

Category: Byte
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Ciarcias Circuit Cellar: The World s Smallest 1200-bps Modem by Steve Ciarcia…………………………………………………….89
This flexible device has many applications three of which Steve describes.
Programming Project: An Assembler for VM2 by Jonathan Amsterdam………… 112
This assembler will let you write programs using instruction mnemonics and symbolic names for data.
Programming Project: Extending Turbo Pascal by Bruce Webster…………….123
Bruce looks at five small libraries he created for TUrbo Pascal under MS-DOS.
CD-ROMs and Their Kin by Richard S. Shuford……………………………137
Optical storage devices, featuring storage capacities in the hundreds of megabytes, claim several advantages over traditional magnetic media.
Highs and Lows of Parameter Passing by Michael Kilian…………………..151
Interface low-level languages to high-level languages for more speed and flexibility.
Programming Insight: Game-Paddle Control Linearity Test by Marvin L. De long………………………………………………..161
Use the game-paddle inputs on the Apple II to measure physical properties.
The Amiga’s Custom Graphics Chips conducted by Phillip Robinson …………169
BYTE interviews chip designer lay Miner.
Raster Operations by John Bennett…………………………………….187
BitBlt operations integrate text and graphics in high-performance systems.
Moving Pictures by Stefan Demetrescu …………………………………207
The developer of the SLAM graphics chip discusses real-time graphics system design. High-Resolution Printer Graphics by Mark Bridger and Mark Goresky………..219
You can address the individual dots used to generate dot-matrix characters.
The ^PD7281 Processor by Tom Jeffery………………………………….237
This non-von Neumann chip is designed for high-speed parallel processing of images.
Reviewers Notebook by Glenn Hartwig…………………………………….253
The Data GenerauOne^ Wayne Rasfi Jr…………………………………254
An ll-pound portable computer with a liquid-crystal display. Sanyo MBC-775 by Bruce Roberts…………………………………………266
A portable IBM PC-compatible with a built-in color monitor.
Five C Compilers for the Macintosh by Tim Field……………………………….275
Aztec C. Hippo-C Mac C. Megamax C. and Softworks Macintosh C Magic/L by Michael W. Gilbert and Albert S. Woodhull ………………………….337
Loki Engineering s FORTH descendant moves to 8-bit machines.
IBM’s Professional Graphics System by Rik ladrnicek……………………………355
A high-resolution color monitor paired with a graphics-controller board.
Juki s 6300 DaisyWheel Printer by Wayne Rash Jr……………………………….361
A letter-quality printer featuring Diablo compatibility. Review Feedback……………………………………………………………367
Readers respond to previous reviews.
Computing at Chaos Manor: Old Favorites and New Ones by Jerry Pournelle………….373
The subject of computer conferencing finds Jerry discussing the old ARPANET and the new BIX.
Chaos Manor Mail conducted by Jerry Pournelle ………………………………..399
Jerry’s readers write, and he replies.
According to Webster: Memories by Bruce Webster……………………………….401
Because of a memory upgrade from Levco. Bruce begins to use his Macintosh for major word processing.
BYTE U.K.: Living C-Personal^ Dicfc Pountain………………………………….419
Living C-Fersonal is a new product from the U.K that offers an editor. Interpreter, animator, and tracer/debugger all rolled into one menu-driven windowing environment.
Mathematical Recreations.- Repeating Decimals by Robert T. Kurosaka……………..433
Learn some of their properties and a few possible uses.
BYTE Japan: Comparing Fujitsus by William M. Raike…………………………….445
Bill describes his latest computer purchase-the Fujitsu FM-160. Circuit Cellar Feedback conducted by Steve Ciarcia…………………………….450
Steve answers project-related queries from readers.
Editorial: A Tale of Four Covers…………6
Letters ……………………. 14
Fixes and Updates……………..33
Whats New………………..37, 452
Ask BYTE……………………..44
Clubs and Newsletters………….54
Book Reviews………………….57
Event Queue…………………..82
Unclassified Ads……………..509
BYTE’s Ongoing Monitor Box.
BOMB Results…………………510
Reader Service…………………511

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